BobbieAI rally point

    Aug 14, 2012
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
    BobbieAI would be even better if it has an option for ship type AI's to have a rally point. This should be a definable point set whilst the AI is disabled. The block should remember this setting until broken. the logic should be something like;
    if in Ship mode and target_mode is any and current_target == null then return to rally position

    Perhaps this could be extended further to give a local rally and a home point, the home point would be a docking node on a ship that the AI will dock to. if the ship is unavailable (or Return to dock is disabled in the GUI) then it will return to the rally point. (eg: A* to a position where the node is visible, get in range and simulate using docking beam)
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    Dec 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 10
    BobbieAI would be even better if it has an option for ship type AI's to have a rally point. This should be a definable point set whilst the AI is disabled. The block should remember this setting until broken. the logic should be something like;
    if in Ship mode and target_mode is any and current_target == null then return to rally position

    Perhaps this could be extended further to give a local rally and a home point, the home point would be a docking node on a ship that the AI will dock to. if the ship is unavailable (or Return to dock is disabled in the GUI) then it will return to the rally point. (eg: A* to a position where the node is visible, get in range and simulate using docking beam)
    Ja, Jes, Yes. Right now, just put an "In development" sticker on this and be done with it. :P
    I'm joking, do what you will mods, but I quite like this idea.