Boarding Party Now Seating

    May 8, 2015
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    I am happy for the new boarding action stuff with this update and I have a few ideas which could help. How about some new helmets which actually stay on and oxygen as danger element you have to watch while boarding. Also gun variations so that the poor fool you've boarded knows what is going to end his life. I could see a powered armor suit with shields and maybe some magnet skis to keep you alive versus internal ship defenses. How about a shotgun and plasma gun as new weapons? Dream big right?


    Abusing Stealth since the dawn of time
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Good idea! Although it will probably be a while before anything on this line in implemented, i would like to see armor/power armor that increases hp and personal shields or something along those lines, and more weapon variety would be kinda nice, like the current cannon-missile scatter shot on a handheld weapon to clear corridors.

    but right now if your looking for something against internal security systems, the NPC at the main shop sells weapons.
    More specifically a rocket launcher and a sniper rifle (that happens to one shot anyone) but at a cost of a dent in your wallet.

    as for the oxygen element, I'm not sure if that will ever arrive, adding oxygen also brings up the problem of detecting where oxygen is, for example does my ship have oxygen in it? How will it get there? If i pump it in, will open doors send it out? If so, we also need to add in detection for any and all open doors on the ship, and all the other issues regarding anything to do with atmosphere (will other gases be present? what about planets?) so i think we shouldn't wake that beast up.

    On the other hand, you've made me very exited for magnetic skis! (I'll have 5 please!)
    and the fact that the grapple we currently have will be able to reel you in! (Release date: Soon TM)