
    Jan 16, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    I want to start by saying Blueprints for ships are great! You can engineer the perfect ship in your personal server then import it and show off to your friends in multi player servers.

    At the same time they make it a little too easy to field multiples of giant ships. With the economy the way it is, cash can be accumulated rather quickly and easily. Once the cash is accuired, a massive fleet is a few clicks away.

    To balance this out I make the following suggestion in steps,

    1. Once the blueprint is imported to the server, the blueprint is available to purchase from the shop for a percentage of the estimated ship cost.

    2. The blueprint must be put into a new "shipwright" block. This block is basically a hopper for the materials required.

    3. Deposit all the necessary blocks required to build the ship.

    4. Once all components are gathered the block outputs a product. This step could go two ways. (The actual output would be upto the developers)

    a. The block produces a writ that can be taken to a shop where the ship maybe spawned.

    b. The ship spawns in a connected docking area that the ship will fit.

    This system would help fix the economy by putting more emphasis on material accuisition which can cause a scarcity of materials to be a factor in which ships are built in what number. Simultaneously this will not hurt the small faction building personal ships. Of course this process could be skipped by admin commands.


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    The actual output would be upto the developers

    No \"The actual output would be upto the developer\" - Without the \"s\" on developer :)

    Althought there are many other threads about this and you apparently have not read the forum rules, I have to say, that this is a good summary.
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    i like this, but to balance it on servers like my own ( The SATURN building server) it could have a feature where players with admin commands can instantly spawn the ships (much like everyone does now) this will allow building based players to have the ease of access that we do now, whereas players on public servers (NASS for example) would have to work for there ships.

    also the idea would make things like faction wars much better as ships are earnt not bought, thus reducing the amount of game breaking ships flying around bumping into stuff
    Jul 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    Regardless wether or not Schema adds this he has to atleast make it so you need the correct blocks for the ship you are buying!
    Jan 16, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    I did read the rules. But seeing there are over 100 pages of posts and no obviously search function, I decided to post my suggestion anyway. I really have no intention of reading every post so this will be my last suggestion.

    Thank you for your support.