Huh, wish I'd been poking around here in this thread when you first posted that update.
Sorry in advance for how harsh this may sound, I'm quite bad at being "nice" with criticism.
I like just about everything that was done, save one single change.
What you did to the Standard armor bsically screws over it's entire "riveted" look.
Do you know how far out most rivets poked from whatever they were in? Literal. Inches. The "flattest" rivet I ever saw (from I-beams being removed from a building being demolished) were poking out a half-inch.
(I'm aware that you can't really have the rivets cast shadows like you'd need them to, given how the game's lighting engine works)
The 3.7 version of that block was the better one, the rivets were clearly rivets.
The 4.0 version? They may as well be dust bunnies, given how easily they dissapear.
I quite like the change to the ADV armor, nearly all of the "diamond plate" I see out in the real world had the top of the diamond flattened like in 4.0.
So, with that criticism tossed out, is there anything new going on, or is everything basically done barring some new blocks getting dumped into the game?