Better Combat (Too weak armor & too powerful weapons)

    Jun 25, 2013
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    Ok first off Hello everyone

    First I have noticed in combat that I can Blow a Isanth With just 1 Anti matter cannon JUST ONE Of coursenot in one hit but it was easy (Btw it wasent a strip it was litterly 1 block) The weapons should have a LOT LESS damage like maby 4 damage per cannon. And the missles THOSE ARE FRICKEN OUTRAGEOUSLY POWERFUL!!!! I blew a isanth with just one D1000 Missle. Missles need to be less powerful but more powerful than anti canons of course. Missles also need to counter in armor as well I modded the grey hull blocks to be 100 armor (Cant be destroyed) And missles dont even counter that in. The missles just blew right threw that armor and also the armor needs to be to where it has to be shot with this weapon so many times to be destroyed while countering in damage of the weapon but something more twords (Cant spell that >.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    can be fixed by having better pirate-ships, i dont know how exactly but something about using a tool to set deflaut ships they can choose from.


    and shields also go a long way in helping the ships, since the standerd 3-4 shield block, while most players just get as many as they seem fet 10-400 (someware there)

    most mislles are also canceld by the shield
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Personally I find that missiles are at the right power level the only thing there need to be is a way of confusing them or destroying them in flight. If this isn\'t possible perhaps a reduction in power should be considered.

    On antimatter cannons I agree partway but perhaps instead of just nerfing them perhaps two types. One that can be combined until the endo of your days and much more expensive and the current type being capped at around 10-20 to make it useful for small ship cannons.

    If you find that you are killing pirates too easely perhaps you should consider going on a server I find that much harder than pirates. (Not that pirates are hard to kill.) Or you could allways make a kickass ship design and change it to be the pirates.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Missles dont really have a set damage level---they just destroy.I think they should have a set damage level but be able to be stopped by armor and sheilds like a missle with 100 damage cant destroy a hull block with 101 hit points. That is what I am tring to say.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    I actually would like just the opposite, your a member of an interplanetary or even interstellar civilization, with the power to move ships between planets with little fuel, It would make more sense if you were hurling nuclear missiles or even antimatter missiles at each other, capable of blowing starships apart with a single shot, of course, many would find this less fun however, so perhaps shields could be buffed and point defense weapons could take care of slower than light projectiles.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Actually its the opposite way round Sheilds too powerful adn weapons not strong enuf

    there shld be Point Defense Modules do make PD Turrets like the PDDrones IN starcraft2
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Think about this.

    If the weapons are OP, then why do so many people die by pirates?

    How big was your ship when you destroyed the pirate ship, 1 block? And the missiles are SUPPOSED to be powerful.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Lasers do damage to shields while missiles are incapable of penetrating them? So if you wanted to bomb a ship you would have to take its shield out, and since I think theres a ten second delay before shields can regenerate it would be resonable to take out a shield then bomb them. ( And maybe add another laser better for shields but weaker for hulll, and the antimatter lasers a lot weaker on shields since shields are not techinchally matter. ) Also as another thing, maybe you actually have to buy missiles and dont have unlimited, and make then quite exspensive.

    (Just had to add I would love it if ships needed fuel and it was moderately exspensive since its capable of moving ships around through space, and you could build a multiblock reactor for power but it was extremely exspensive to buy and required a different type of engine to use. Second edit: And perhaps you could salvage uncommon fuel deposits from planets and asteroids)
    Apr 25, 2013
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    Isanths are literally the weakest (and only) default ship in the entire game. Blowing up one with a single antimatter or rocket block is no achievement.

    While I agree that missiles are overpowered, I think that the way they do damage should be changed entirely. I\'ve made a thread on it here:

    If anything, Antimatter cannons need a buff in their power when in small groups. They are so incredibly weak against shields sometimes, it\'s not even funny.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Just read through this thread, if people complain that everything is OP then the game is balanced. The OP-ness of weapons is cancelled out bythe OP-ness of shields and vice versa. One thing that MUST be fixed is the weakness of blocks. No matter what power, a block WILL be destroyed from any weapon hitting it. Machines and weapons should stay the same, but hull should be a sh!t-tonn stronger, to take at least a few hits from a medium powered weapon.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I\'ve seen damaged blocks, but yeah, hull integrity doesnt really seem to exist but I guess thats what happens when your cannons shoot bolts made of friggin anti-matter...
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Its like WOW i shot him over 9000 times and his sheilds arnt even going down 2 bars

    *Goes Crazy*

    and that guys just sitting there like nothings happening