Good video,
the 5x5x5 reactor looked a bit too symmetric, and I have the imagination it was built a bit different, but anyway, the room efficiency is almost the same, as long as you can make sure you add to the covered-virtual-box-dimension with each placement, and they do not touch by accident.
I described the change and the reasons about this here:
Thread: What happened to box dimensions bonuses for power regen?
However, you may really want to look into docked designs, that push their energy via energy supply toward the host ship.
Sure at a certain loss, to the beam, but when closing in to the soft-cap and thus lowering overall efficiency, the loss by single reactor size quickly exceeds the loss by the beam. Getting the right modular size, for the room you have to spare for your power generation is some sort of science then. Values around 450.000e/s to 750.000e/s should be targeted then, below that you can still get a good bonus by adding dimensions, above you are most likely down to plain add per block, and dimension does not yield any additional bonus anymore.
- Andy