Bug Beams don't turn with the ship, nor do they move properly

    Jun 19, 2014
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    If you use logic, or activate a beam with one click, that beam won't turn with your ship. It will keep pointing at the point you firstbfired it at. When you move, it will not move like it would mkve when you use unfocussed fire. It will try to keep hitting the point it was fired at first, but doesn't succeed completely in that anymore. Instead it will slowely move more toward the side at which the point it was first fired at is located.

    I have reported the bug already, but with the recent changes to the salvage system this bug has become a lot more noticeable.
    The bug report: http://bugs.star-made.org/issues/1165
    Ps: Could someone please edit the report to also show that it happens with a one-click activation?