Beam Weapon clarification, formula, and focusing crystal

    Feb 18, 2014
    Reaction score
    Hello everyone.

    First off, thank you Starmade team for creating a wonderful game and am excited to see where it goes.

    I have three suggestions that I wish to make. As you can see by the title, they are both about beam weapons.

    I believe that beam weapons as a primary weapon should be the most powerful in the game, as well as the most costly. I believe it is that way now, but we won't discuss that. I also believe that beam weapons should also benefit by size, so that it is more effective for large or bigger ships, so called capital ships, mainly because they have to resources to expend, mainly energy and energy regen.

    My first suggestion is some clarification on how the damage is actually done. Right now I believe it gives a damage/sec value, a tick value, how many ticks/sec, and then total damage. It doesn't seem to me that the tick values and total damage work. If i have x dps, and the tick/sec is .2, shouldn't that mean the beam should last for 5 seconds? Right now it only lasts 1 second. If this is supposed to be the case, then I would either change the duration of the beam to be 5 seconds so that each second actually does that much damage, right now it doesn't seem too, or get rid of the tick ratio entirely and give the full damage point for the one second.

    Second, I want to give a formula for which I think the power/damage ratio of beams would still scale nicely, but benefit for bigger ships.

    Keeping the current base stats and changes, then applying modifications, the mods would be thus:

    Thirdly, I would like to suggest a "computer" or block for beam cannons, focusing crystal. I will admit, I am doing all this because I have a Deathstar in the works and would like to see it really do some damage and look more authentic, but that all these changes would be great for the game environment anyway.

    They way the block would work is that it has to be set between 6-20 blocks away from any block in the axis directions, no including diagonals and such, just so it created a "sphere" around it. They would be much like that activation block as they are invisible unless in build mode and invulnerable. Then you would select it using c, then link primary cannons computers and color blocks using v. This will overwrite any colors of previous beams to the color that is linked to the crystal. The stipulations here are that all the beams arrays have to have the same type of slave and effect computer, though they do not have to be the same values or ratios.

    The formulas for calculating the specs would be done after all previous calculations were done, like the ones above and the standard ones, then will be run through these calculations multipliers:

    The slave and effect computers would be averaged as well.

    I know this is a lot and it might just be fantasy, but if any part of this can come to life or if this spurs ideas of how to actually make beam cannons better, then it was worth it.

    Thank you for all your time and suggestions, carry on my fellow StarMade-ers!!!
    [DOUBLEPOST=1425742952,1425742862][/DOUBLEPOST]PS, sorry the tabs and spaces didn't work.
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    Jul 21, 2013
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