The idea is pretty simple...
If you create a basic factory, and can't power it, you will still be able to run the basic factory. Instead of using power, it'll consume crystal and metal (like using them as a battery). In addition to the required material to make a block, the basic factory, if it has no power, will use 50 crystal and 50 metal in place of power, and also produce 1 scrap metal and 1 scrap crystal. All other factories would require a power source.
So, if you happen to be playing in a hard core game mode, in which you drop everything on death and has no NPC stores, you could still build yourself a new ship, no matter where you end up spawning...
If you create a basic factory, and can't power it, you will still be able to run the basic factory. Instead of using power, it'll consume crystal and metal (like using them as a battery). In addition to the required material to make a block, the basic factory, if it has no power, will use 50 crystal and 50 metal in place of power, and also produce 1 scrap metal and 1 scrap crystal. All other factories would require a power source.
So, if you happen to be playing in a hard core game mode, in which you drop everything on death and has no NPC stores, you could still build yourself a new ship, no matter where you end up spawning...