Who do I pester if I want to nominate someone for badges or request one for myself?
That sucks if that's the case. I know a couple people who deserve badges they dont have and I firmly believe I deserve that golden railman badge and at least the silver logic one.The StarMade Council of Intergalactic Representatives were in charge of nominations for achievement badges, however the council has been defunct for over a year now so I guess you are out of luck(?)
Guess that'll teach ya to make kickass spider robots then! (Following robot made by CyberTao)Tfw you were given railman gold against your will.
Lies and Slander.Guess that'll teach ya to make kickass spider robots then! (Following robot made by CyberTao)
I liked this... but without rating tags, I realized it is very unclear if I am complementing Red for being a helpful member of the community, or showing support of his disrespectful tone toward the moderators... Go Back to Ratings instead of Likes ... just saying.Your best bet would be to ask DukeofRealms, but he is probably busy with the new moderators and listening to me bitching about em all the time :D
I agree with your concerns over the context involved in "liking" something.I liked this... but without rating tags, I realized it is very unclear if I am complementing Red for being a helpful member of the community, or showing support of his disrespectful tone toward the moderators... Go Back to Ratings instead of Likes ... just saying.