Bad Luck Thread


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Nope, you drop your inventory on death.
    Ah, not playing default config. Sorry to hear that.

    Players should really respawn with astronaut tools and a core on Drop Inventory On Death.


    3D Art Director
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Nope, you drop your inventory on death.
    Ask an admin, they'd be more than happy to provide you with another power supply gun and possibly a core. They know pirates and stations are a bit OP so will be understanding.


    Jun 20, 2013
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    Ask an admin, they'd be more than happy to provide you with another power supply gun and possibly a core. They know pirates and stations are a bit OP so will be understanding.
    Sadly, I will still get noscoped anyway. Maybe I should ask another player to take a stronger ship and transport me away from the place?


    3D Art Director
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Sadly, I will still get noscoped anyway. Maybe I should ask another player to take a stronger ship and transport me away from the place?
    I think that would be an excellent way to interact with others. Request a transport, or even just ask someone to take out the station. People seem to love having reasons to fight our pirates. :)
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    Force or Ace?
    Jul 25, 2013
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    I think that would be an excellent way to interact with others. Request a transport, or even just ask someone to take out the station. People seem to love having reasons to fight our pirates. :)
    I'll do it! :D
    Mar 15, 2015
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    I have lose count of how often I start new worlds next to a huge pirate station

    Even worse when the trader dies.


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    This past weekend, I was able to work on some pieces for my classic-60s style explorer ship. I was horrified to find that the game failed to load entire chunks of the ship. Large 16^3 chunks were just... gone. On one hand, it's an interesting look at the ship's raw anatomy. On the other hand, it's the same kind of horror if you see someone get split in half by a falling glass pane.
    Sep 2, 2014
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    I had an interesting glitch the other day that nearly gave me a heart attack. When I logged into my personal server, I found a gaping hole in my frigate leading from my core room to my hangar. What's worse was that the gaping hole included the ship core! My brain went dead from shock, so I tried putting in another core... You can't do that! I then restarted, hoping something would happen, and luckily the hole was filled back up with what was originally missing, including the core.
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    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    I had an interesting glitch the other day that nearly gave me a heart attack. When I logged into my personal server, I found a gaping hole in my frigate leading from my core room to my hangar. What's worse was that the gaping hole included the ship core! My brain went dead from shock, so I tried putting in another core... You can't do that! I then restarted, hoping something would happen, and luckily the hole was filled back up with what was originally missing, including the core.
    That's just a chunk loading error. Press Tab+F6 to refresh chunks.
    Feb 13, 2015
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    joined a server - started work on my first colony on said server - got bombed by npc pirates - rebuilt colony got bombed again - fought pirates with defense turrets and drone ships - finally got colony functional and a pirate kill zone - while attempting to kill a planet the server admin managed to blow up EVERY active planet somehow so everyone standing on a planet exploding - he then told me I must have done it somehow

    moved servers this time lived in a station - rebuilt the station slowly over time into a grand fortress for my faction - able to smash player and npc alike fully functional auto sorting storage's for every item active in game into boxes and 500k blocks a min factories able to dock 20 500k block ships - master piece of work - rails released - some reason rails begun to corrupt our base (apparently there is a glitch that when deleting larger amounts of docking modules they won't ""Delete"" from the coding and piles glitches till server goes down - we had this happen to a neighboring faction so bad his entire system was deleted and he was reimbursed in blocks to help him start a new station)

    so figuring said glitch was just a matter of time till our station nuked itself we disassembled it only to get it 40% done and find a new error that causes us to teleport 8km from base every time we dock and become a ghost - took it apart blueprinted it and made it again - all the rail docking systems came lose and teleported the 27 rail items on it into deep space into a wormhole never to be seen again - got a good laugh at that - took it apart - now we are living on a smaller 0 rp station till said items are fixed

    would I do it all again - ohh yeah lols - learned allot rebuilding those ships and stations and had fun along the way with my friends and the admins (wont server name drop don't worry) from my server helped fix us all up costing us a few hours of game play but helped us find the glitchy item and delete it from the new station - did I have bad luck - sure - but doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the chaos :}
    Jul 21, 2013
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    I had sort of GOOD luck on a server. Just started it today.
    spawned in for the first time, found like a dozen newbie junkers just floating around in sector 2 which I disassembled and used to make myself a very nice little miner, with jumpdrives, full miner/cannon linkage, 100/60 shields, decent power, even a rather appealing yellow-armor 'construction vehicle' look.

    Flew into the void, met some nice people in chat, set up a planet base (with all the components and power neccessary to rebuild my ship several times if needed).

    I didn't realize it but I had TWO prate stations in close vicinity. after several strafing runs by isanths, I grumbled a little in chat, and a delightful fellow with a 'hammerhead' frigate cheerfully turned both pirate bases into reactor fuel for me. He even let me pick up a bunch of loot, including several extremely expensive computers, and a bunch of scrap metal (promptly turned into mesh and crystal... I always set up a major industrial base FIRST and stock it well before braving the void...I am paranoid.)

    Bad luck happens, but a little foresight and a friendly attitude goes a LONG way towards making problems go away. NEVER leave sector 2 without all three factories, a couple of faction blocks, some spare power and power storage, build unit, a rail docker and rail, and set up a home base with adequate storage VERY FIRST THING. You will be building a station and mining out your old planetary base in no time. That 'faction home immunity' really helps.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    It's like EVE, If you don't find someone or a faction to play with, you're gonna suffer. also you should never settle on a planet.
    Jul 21, 2013
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    and I failed to heed my own advice and tried to fly through a blue star :P


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    Sep 6, 2013
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    Play on Shattered Skies.
    Move forward with your fighter.
    Full speed ahead.
    Get disconected.
    Try not to cry.
    Cry a lot.


    Jun 20, 2013
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    Play on Shattered Skies.
    Move forward with your fighter.
    Full speed ahead.
    Get disconected.
    Try not to cry.
    Cry a lot.
    And that's why, kids, you always need to carry a spare core with you.

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    Force or Ace?
    Jul 25, 2013
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    Play on Shattered Skies.
    Move forward with your fighter.
    Full speed ahead.
    Get disconected.
    Try not to cry.
    Cry a lot.
    At least it didn't happen in front of a pirate station...


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Play on Shattered Skies.
    Move forward with your fighter.
    Full speed ahead.
    Get disconected.
    Try not to cry.
    Cry a lot.
    It'll stop at the edge of the loaded sectors, so I suppose if you leave for a while, come back, and get someone to fly you in the direction the fighter was going you'll get it back. Better yet, if you've got a core, just float on over there yourself.