Automatic Gravity Radius

    Feb 14, 2014
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    This was just a simple thought, but say that a gravity generator is connected to a space station, then anything within # blocks of that space station is automatically affected by gravity. This just makes it so on space stations where maybe people aren't supposed to be able to float to is automatically affected by gravity so they can't reach it (although they could just use a ship core).

    The important part of this, is mostly with mother ships, so that if you land in a moving mothership, and you dock your ship inside the moving mothership, when you get out of your ship you won't be left behind and warped through the walls and such, but instead will automatically be affected by the motherships gravity when you enter within that gravity generators block radius.

    This should also allow players to pretty much toggle a gravity generator on/off and affect all players within the radius, not just the person who toggled it.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    This would probably rectify that strange issue where people get dumped out of gravity on sector/system change.

    (I tested and discovered this aboard a Borg cube... I ordered the helm officer to thrust directly forward for a while, and sector changes didn\'t seem to mess anything up, until I hit one specific border, which I assume to be a system border, caused me to suddenly lose gravity connection and be left behind by the ship. However, I was not teleported anywhere, so I suspect that a \"gravity box\" of some kind would fix the issue entirely.)
    Jun 23, 2013
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    I have rode in quite a few peoples ships just using gravity, and was able to successfully stay in the ship while they were flying acrost sectors. If they haven\'t fixed it all the way, then its a ton better than it used to be :D used to fall out every time there was a sector change no matter what.

    I like the idea with the gravity, but it would have to be made so that it only engages if your above the station. Otherwise when you get close to it, but arn\'t above it.... you get the idea. Overall I like your idea

    With undocking, that would be really nice. It would also be cool if you could set a place to go when you get out of a core/ undock from a ship. I have gotten out of a ship that I usually spawn inside of when exiting, but then fall out of the ship into space... not a big deal if its a shuttle, but when its a large ship and you have to float to the side to get in the shuttle bay, or your in combat and accidentially hit R (I know fail) and fall out of the ship, not good.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    But which direction?

    • The direction of a grav unit connected to the core? (How about a space station then?)
    • A config option?
    • Dependent on the side you fly into the grav influence?

    And if you exit a ship with own gravity, Will you join

    • the gravity of the ship you just exited?
    • the smaller ship\'s gravity (allows for grav lifts to still work)?

    I like the last options I mentioned above most.

    Together with doors which are adjacent to a gravity module to adjust your gravity while you walk through.
    Feb 14, 2014
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    Perhaps there should be a new type of gravity block then, perhaps like a \"Father\" Gravity Block. Like you said, I think the influence of the gravity should be the direction that it\'s hooked up to the core. And if you activate any further gravity blocks within the ship (like a gravity elevator), it will affect you and only you. And if you have a gravity within your smaller ship arriving on to a mother ship, you will be affected by your small ship\'s gravity until you step out of it, and then you will be affected by the mothership\'s gravity.

    It\'s a little hard to think out how it would work, but if I could say anything, you should be affected by gravity on foot only by the object you are standing on/within bounding box of.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    I have rode in quite a few peoples ships just using gravity, and was able to successfully stay in the ship while they were flying acrost sectors. If they haven\'t fixed it all the way, then its a ton better than it used to be :D used to fall out every time there was a sector change no matter what.

    Sounds like something to test when I get on Homesector. :3