Auto repair

    Jun 23, 2013
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    Every time I get attacked pirates leave holes and damage on my ship. it would be nice if there is an auto repair features to save time and get back to the action as soon as possible.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    A block that\'s gone is gone. There\'s nothing left to repair, and the game forgets it was ever there. I would like a module to put on ships that slowly repairs blocks that are only damaged, and not completely destroyed. Should drain power while repairing, and should require a lot of power so that you can\'t just have it constantly running in combat. But no, there is no way to keep track of and repair blocks that are completely gone.
    Aug 13, 2013
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    Wouldn\'t it be nice if the ship actually could repair itself?

    Lets say you would need to save the Schematics first. Then you put those into a Repair Module. Next to the repair module you have a Repair Stoarge which holds the required material (more than needed)

    If activated, the repair module would start re-creating the ships missing parts piece by piece. It will obviously consume the items whilst doing so and may require a large amount of energy (or disable engines / weapons whilst being active)

    I would kind of like that.

    Another alternative would be that this module would require a Salvaging beam. So it would first salvage from another ship and then use that material to put it back on your own ship.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Alright, interesting idea there involving schematics. There are some ways that might work, but it also introduces a new issue or two.

    Pro: This does get around the issue of blocks being gone. The repair service can systematically go through the ship and find spots where the ship doesn\'t match the schematic and can place a block to fix the damage.

    Con: This might make it too easy to just be invincible in battle. As long as you have blocks to replace the damage, this sytem could theoretically make you untouchable. To fix this, I would suggest this not be something built into the ship, and instead be something that can attach to a docking port, so that the docked ship is slowly repaired. That way, you can\'t just repair endlessly in battle unless the battle is taking place next to a repair station that you can use. We would just need bigger docking ports than we have now in order to repair giant ships.

    Con: What happens if you put in a schematic that doesn\'t match your ship? Say you repair a fighter with the schematic of a carrier. Does the repair system just slowly replace your ship with a different one?


    First Citizen
    Jun 23, 2013
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    That is pretty much what would happen. Personally, I think structure primarily responsible for auto-repairs should be drydocks. Structures with one core block and a frame of enhancers, whose core purpose is restoring ships to a submitted template using recources from liknked storages. During this process, the ship would loose all power, eliminating all issues with mid-combat repairs. Such a system coud also solve the issues with the current blueprints. If buying them in shops was disabeled, you\'d have to build a drydock and gather the neccesary resources yourself, and wait for construction to be completed.
    Aug 13, 2013
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    i kind of like the Drydock idea. Not beacuse of the \"invincible ship due to repairs\" as this could be countered by putting everything offline when you start repairing. (All energy needed for repair) but just for a kind of \"Why create a home base\" Or even you could create a repair base where others pay you so they can repair their ships.

    PS: I think there is a Module which repairs damaged blocks isnt there? You could either make a tiny repair ship or a repair turret out of that (manual controll only)
    Jun 22, 2013
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    @AppLeNaToR: There is a repair gun, yes, but it only works on damaged blocks (not destroyed ones), and must be put on a ship/turret. It also has to be manually done, since AI aim can barely hit a ship, let alone a specific block. The OP is looking for something automated, and something to replace blocks that have been completely destroyed.


    Dry docking does sound interesting, but I would still like to see this linked to the existing docking blocks so that they could even be put on ships, not just stations and bases. Powering down the repaired ship works well to prevent most exploits, so you can\'t have a docked ship getting repairs while fighting back. You have to defend them. I like the idea of long, drawn-out battles where fighters have to fly back to the carrier for repairs.

    To make quick repairs during battle efficient, you can\'t really be jumping out to swap schematics and stuff around, so I think the ships should carry their own schematics. That way different types of ships can use the same repair station. So the repair module is linked to the docking port, but the schematic that it uses is taken from the docked ship.


    First Citizen
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Yes, ships carrying their own templates sounds quite reasonable, as long as you can still insert other ones in the dock manually. Putting them on ships does too, since they\'d anyway have to be larger than the ships they repair. As for linking them to the regular docking system, I kind of agree, though there should be limitations, and heavier repairs and the building of entirely new ships should be extremely impractical if not done in dedicated (portable or not) shipyards.
    Jul 7, 2013
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    I think this calls for a repair block hooked up to the docking block (complete with the usual more blocks=faster repair) and a form block. Basically with the form block you place it on your ship and activate it and it remembers the ship\'s current state. This means that it can be re-activated for whenever you upgrade your ship, but can be destroyed so a target cannot repair their ship. This means multiple form blocks on different parts of the ship would better keep your ship design safe. One form block would need to activate all of them so the form blocks couldn\'t hold multiple blueprints.
    Aug 6, 2013
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    you could give it the huge amounts of HP and armor availble to a faction module. give it the one-per-ship limit like the faction module as well. so you would make a little center of ship core, faction module, and save-state block. maybe make some other blocks (3 more so you have a nice core going) that do other functions, but that is for another topic.


    First Citizen
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Nah, the template memory should be a built-in function of the core. I find the ability to permanently disable repairs on a ship a rather pointless and annoying feature, and quite against the very concept of automatic repairs.
    Jul 31, 2013
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    Add a shipwright block that has 2 functions - building new ships with blueprints, and repairing other ships with their blueprint. When \"docked\" and the shipwright block has power+supplies, the ship has blocks added to it according to blueprint specifications and has any other blocks repaired.

    Fixes both blueprint abuse AND allows ship repairs,
    Aug 13, 2013
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    I think that the dry-dock/shipyard/repair station should be constructed so that it can only repair what can fit in its dimensions. Lets say that you have a long cruiser, the repair station could be constructed in a long cylinder that the cruiser can fly into (dock) and be repaired. Any destroyed blocks will be replaced with the appropriate block within its storage, and is which, spent. As for the rate, it could repair, for example, 20 block HP per second, given the \"stack\" feature of blocks that comprise the repair station. If a completely destroyed block has 200 HP, it would take 10 seconds to replace the destroyed block, given the 20 HP/s repair rate
    Aug 7, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    this suggestion ist a must have and the disscusion is nice to read go on i want more and hope we get this into game :)


    First Citizen
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Yes, the size limit is a given. For simplicity\'s sake, however, drydocks should probably be required to be cuboids.

    How about a drydock is composed of two blocks, the core/controller and a three-dimensional frame of drydock enhancers. For mid-combat repairs, there should be the ability to connect drydock enhancers to a regular docking station, allowing it to conduct basic repairs at a slower rate and with less efficiency then a specialized drydock.