Arna Shipyard Station (WIP)

    May 13, 2015
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    I've been working on this shipyard on and off for a while now. This was the 5th object I started constructing in SM, so there's still some style issues going on, where I go off on one building technique for a while, then suddenly try something new.

    There are definitely some elements here that don't make sense - I was into a religious theme for a spell, adding white polished rock to places and using columns, which are more present in my first ship (which won't be released because it's terrible). I hit the second primary level of this shipyard on the tail end of that.

    Long term, the goal is to try and construct a "race" of playables. The first ship I made was a five man mining vessel, which I wanted to be like the "probes/workers" of a fleet. Then add in a basic fighter unit, basic corvette, some basic structures, working my way up until I had Starcraft in StarMade...

    I'm probably going to table that idea for the moment since I keep jumping around experimenting and already the assortment of things I have obviously don't go together.

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    Reactions: Rumcajz
    May 13, 2015
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    Reactions: Rumcajz
    May 13, 2015
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    Was having a bit of trouble with the rails. I can understand why the recording process might mess with the speed, but it's odd that it seemed to also impact the rails completing their cycle. That doesn't happen the rest of the time.

    These are going to hold escape pods which partially dock in the brown buildings in the main grounds of the station. So people can look at them and see below into the hangar.

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