ARMTec Multitask Vessel

    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    The Multitask Vessel code named Capaneus acts as a miner, transport and a research lab. Half of the ships systems are automatic and because of that a crew of 6 is more than enough to operate it. Thanks to the research lab being on board all minerals that are mined can be immediately procesed and tested for quality and durability under certain conditions. As you all know, those pesky pirates atack when you least expect it and that is why this ship is armed with 10 automatic turrets and has a hangar with 2 of our Democles fighters. Because this ship is also a miner and can be operational for long periods of time you need a place to store all those mined materials. That is where those 8 containers, each with 72 plex storages inside, come in handy.

    Stats are:


    Lenght:224m Height:23m Width:55m

    Power:993604.2 (299549.3 e/sec)


    Shields:170897 (6207 s/sec)

    The rest of the pictures are at .