Armor Tanking

    Jun 30, 2013
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    Basicly in starmade as is right now, once your sheild goes down, you start to melt. And i wonder why hull is even used if all it can do is take like 1 or 2 hits form lasers and fall apart from missles.

    I love the idea from eve of armor tanking. Making a ship take a beating and still push threw. Not having to worry on an iffy shield to stay up or to get alpha'd while your sheild recharges. So i think this suggestion is a good one.

    I suggest armor tanking strat. Basicly my idea was, take shield generator as is now. And have it instead of covering the entire hull in damage protection. Reduce damage taken by # of Armor tanks. (larger ships benefit from this more but can be balanced by smaller ships).

    This can also make the hull repair useful. By haveing these armor tanks on the ship as well. when you are hit by the repair beam anywhere, your hull(and only hull) starts to repair the lightest damaged blocks first then moves to more heavly damaged blocks. But never relpaces blocks.

    In theroy, this would require help from ally's to be super tanky. Cant prevent damage. And make hull have a bit more usefulness.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Though a bit different way. My version would be damage dampening shields, for example 0,5% per block capping at 90 or 95 percent and x amount of explosion dampening. Result would be that it would be useful in medium sized vessels that have a realistic chance of having thick reinforced hull, but next to pointless on giants as a ship could realistically just burrow in from a side...alternatively, you could have stronger hulls and less damage reduction.

    I do like your idea of repair beam transfer, it could be seriously op though. For example a repair ship parked inside a bigger warship or just ridiculously powerful beams. Maybe effect reduction when not directly hitting the damaged blocks would do.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    I was thinking, that the more tanks you had, the higher % of repair you had. The beams them self would be quite weak. or normaly only repair one block at a time. but i actually dont think the idea of haveing a repair inside ur ship a bad thing. It could be, but it would have to be balanced... or scale ^n
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Jun 29, 2013
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    Indeed. As I mentioned there, armor in general needs substantial buffs.