Armor Health Improvement

    Jul 16, 2013
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    A problem I've run into is that the weapon's firepower tends to far exceed the protection offered by armor. I think it is unreasonable that once my shields go down a single missile will wipe out my entire ship that has been layered and layered in hardened armor. Presently normal hull gives 100hp + 25% armor = 125hp, or hardened at 200hp + 50% armor = 300hp. It is also a little ironic that glass is double the resilience of normal hull.

    The suggestion is that armor values for hitpoints be doubled or the armor value increased by 25% each. It is far too easy to create a weapon system that will instantly create a crater out of a ship which takes away from the enduring nature of what a space battle should be... barring atmospheric decompression caused by hull breach :D
    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2 least if it\'s damage reducing armor. 133x0,75 does 100 for regular hull and 400 damage to one shot hardened, but it\'s still a breeze. You can alter these stats in block editor for your own servers, altering hp causes graphic glitch on the blocks I hear but altering armor % should work. 90% armor on hardened makes 2000 effective hp which should help a bit...
    Jul 8, 2013
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    Whats that for a retarded answer? Hes got a really good point. I think the Hull Health should be not only doubled but 5 times as high as it is. It makes no sense that a normal AMC can destroy one block with one shot. It should take some damage. Its a god damned Hull!! it should be strong. And for all over that there are the Shields.
    Jul 16, 2013
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    But let me make a suggestion. Rather than increase the hull Health, introduce more varieties of hull (like of different metals, and perhaps with different mass. This would mean you could coat your fast attack craft with light armor that is more easily destroyed, but have only one or two layers of say (for example) heavy Awesomeite Hull on your large ships such as a cruiser.

    Some would be strong and heavy, others weak but very light, some with a middle ground, a few that are both strond and not too heavy, but very expensive, and some that have bonuses against certain types of attacks such as versus missiles, or anti matter. This would be more useful if more weapons are added to the game of course. I personally think my Frigates and battlecruisers shouldn\'t have to rely completely on our sheilds as a missile or two will tear through multiple layers of hardened hull.

    Another thing that something like this would need though is a more dedicated shop that sells only hulls, (or perhaps certain things like derelict ships, which i\'ve seen suggested in other topics as a type of lootable space debris) or you would have to craft them.

    PS: I hope this is legible english, its 3:10 am and I really should be sleeping haha.
    Jul 16, 2013
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    I don\'t have as many qualms with the AMC... it\'s mainly the missiles with a 30 diameter blast radius. The only issues I have with AMCs are that the fire rates can get rather rediculous, but it still isn\'t as bad as the 3.14R^2 destruction that a single missile can cause. It should at least take a couple missiles to cause that much damage to a ship.

    The current strategy tends to be 1. Use AMCs until shields down 2. \"Fire ze missiles!\" 3. ??? 4. Profit (with salvage beams if there is anything left).
    Jul 15, 2013
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    I really wish that te battles would last as long as... well space battles should, not a few seconds of tearing through the hull like it\'s butter after the shields.

    I love your idea Apollo, would make the game have a massive increase in diversity and fun. At the moment, if you get attacked by a SLIGHTLY stronger ship you are doomed, they just fire derectly at your core and carve a nice little tunnel into your ship :D
    Apr 25, 2013
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    Armor values on hull blocks should be significantly increased.