Arkon industrys

    Dec 24, 2014
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    ok so I only have one ship that is a work in progress and I am looking for advise on it. I will be also posting more ships later on.

    first one here is the enforcer.

    original view of the ship

    here is the new front of the ship

    this thing holds over 720 jumpdrive inhibiters

    change the shape of the tower to the bridge

    add more to the bridge

    close up
    update 2

    add detail to the top missiles

    add a hall way to the mess hall and sleeping quarters

    the mess hall work in progress

    sleeping quarters

    storage hall also work in progress

    add sliding doors to the hanger thinking about putting turret on the doors.

    door open with the fighters I put in side

    close up of the fighter still thinking of a name
    final update for the enforcer

    add a grey line patteren.

    added it to the doors as well
    soo any thing you think I should add on to the ship?
    updates soon to come

    soon to come ships
    the striker
    the support vessel
    the fodder
    the worker
    the hoarder.
    Last edited:
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Use the new consoles to add the feeling that stuff happens on the bridge.
    Try experimenting with shaping the hull in different shapes. Add some triangular sections of the hull, add some towers or something. Break up the rectangular outlines that you have right now.

    Experiment with a rounded shape. Use the build helper tool to create circles or ellipses and fill them in to give definition to your hull.

    Oh, and go through the shipyard board. Look through all the larger threads. I can recommend SkylordLuke's designs. He's one of the best builders out there. Look through the threads of other people, and take what they do well and change it a bit. Use it yourself. And, above all, practice. That's the only way to improve.
    May 28, 2016
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    There's so much work to do man ! ^^
    Start by thinking to add more curves and try to smooth all this ! Atm it's very very cubic, don't hesitate to replace the edges of your ship with wedges and other corner/tetras/heptas.
    Also try to play more with colors, because only using one color with only one texture looks very dull ! Try to play with different armors of the same color to change texture.
    Mar 31, 2016
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    Just use more shapes. Try to picture in your mind a shape you like for it. Find a piece of it you want to include- whether that's a sharp point or a wide curve or some squiggly mess, that's great. Find what you like and build off it.
    Above all, leave fewer flat faces. Flat faces are boring. Add a maintenance access that bulges out, a weapons array that hangs below the ship suggesting a large cannon. Put a large cannon below the ship. Use ANYTHING to break up monotony. Don't let a flat face remain because it was easier - you can always find something to go there.
    And you'll see that I'm exaggerating - sometimes flat faces are what work best, what go there, what just complete the ship. But a lot of times, if you add a little detail of any sort, just one small maintenance hatch, one bit of bulgy pieces, one curve at the edge - it starts looking less basic tossed-together-in-five-minutes and more masterful, better built and prettier. It's just better to make things that look good first, work good second. Because, as someone on this forum has said, we can all build system bricks. We can't all build something more recognizable than an Imperial Star Destroyer or Corellian Corvette, nor can we all build something so old and yet so new as the Enterprise (flying saucer ... with giant engines attached - so old and new), but we can all build that one ship that looks just so cool cause we worked on it (forever ... and ever ... and eveeerrr).
    So of course, if you read it, great, if not, add any detail that comes to mind. And find the picture in your mind of what you want this to be. Should it be hard and angular, or rounded like a Mon Cal cruiser? Full-blown science fiction or NASA-type? Magic antigravity or maneuvering engines beneath? Giant engines or small vents? Turrets all over, or carefully placed for strategic defense? There are always great options.
    And I'm rambling.


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    I love how perfectly "Starmade" this ship is. It's not a Star Trek ship. It's not a Star Wars ship. It's not a Dr. Who ship. It's not a Battlestar.
    This is Starmade!


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I love how perfectly "Starmade" this ship is. It's not a Star Trek ship. It's not a Star Wars ship. It's not a Dr. Who ship. It's not a Battlestar.
    This is Starmade!

    You realise the majority of the content produced and released is original right?


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    I think he's just saying that cause its square.
    It's more than that. The weapon barrels are made purely out of weapon blocks. The engines are made purely out of thruster blocks. The surface decoration is the block texture itself, instead of greebling with more blocks.


    Part-time God
    May 26, 2015
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    Try having different coloured walls and floor. At the moment, with them the same colour, it looks like a single facing, which makes the room look very big and very empty.
    Dec 24, 2014
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    final update to the enforcer video showing off the enforcer soon to come!