So now fighters have no weapons on them (in plural), just a single weapon... my reply was to your comment about 5 hours.
Also, there is no such thing as shield power, so obviously, not. I ment to say what I correctly said, \" a ship with 1 million shields.\" 1 mill shield capacity, obviously, as that is what you see in-game \"Shields: 1000000 (xx e/sec) etc. And the regen is so low that it doesn\'t even count. For 1 million shield blocks, the regen is 72k, and 0 when in combat (which is ok actually). The issue is, that before, the regen was much higher, so you wouldn\'t have to wait several minutes (minutes for real, not like your exagerations) for the shield to fully reload.
Your opinion on this is clear, no need to play with words and useless non mathematical/non realistic comments to go on, for you.