Antimatter cannons bugged when too spread apart.

    Sep 11, 2013
    Reaction score

    I just started playing a few days ago, and I'm loving this game so far. Keep it up! :)

    However, I've come across a nasty bug, which mainly applies to those building large-sized ships. My ship is designed with antimatter cannons inside of massive wing cannons. To get an idea of scale, there is about 150-300 blocks between the four cannons, and about 75-150 blocks between each gun and the core.

    What happens is that, when you fire using the guns mounted far apart, it will ignore the number and position of the guns, and fire in a very random fashion from a single block which has no antimatter cannon installed (and yes, I removed the offending block, and it fires in the empty space!).

    I've noticed that when I tried putting one of the massive guns near the center axis of the ship, it fires perfectly fine. When I test fired with both guns in the middle and guns far out, the centre ones fire, while the outside one shoots bugged as described above. As well, in certain situations, the outside gun will choose to not fire at all.

    I'm not sure what's causing this, but I believe it may have to do with the game's ability to deal with weapon convergence. Since they're so spread out, I think the game's breaking because of it. I can provide the ship model on request, if you wish to use it as a case study for this bug. Thanks! I can't finish this ship without having this resolved, so having this looked at would be appreciated. :)
    Sep 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    Here it is; the center antimatter cannon is for testing purposes only, while the wing cannons (shown in armored grey) are currently empty after repeatedly failing to get them to work. The giant square blocks in the back are simply power and thrusters so I can move it while building it.

    I hope this helps get an idea on the dimensions of this model. Thanks!
    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    Its not a distance issue, I\'ve had it bug on a ship that was only like 40 wide.

    I think it has to deal with the output cannon not getting set correctly while in advanced / symmetry mode. To fix it manually set the output point while in astronaut mode using \"R\" on the block.