Another FTL idea, gate/wormholes

    Feb 14, 2013
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    With all respect to trekkies and warhammer fans I think the wormholes and gates are better.

    They would be less complicated to create and if handled good I think they can create more gameplay then warp.

    So my idea about Wormholes and gates:

    So whats the best feature of Starmade? Endless possibility of structures we can build, so push it through this part of game.


    Your ship wants to fly a FTL, make yourself a wormhole and instantly teleport, easy-peasy. But how to handle it and make it fun ? You would be abel to build yourself a wormhole-creator in your ship, in this creator you would be abel to define a size of wormhole and how long the wormhole would last. The bigger the wormhole is and longer it last it requires more energy to create. The creation of wormhole take one energy blast so every ship would have a limitation on how big and lasting wormhole could one create. WIth this idea scout ship could creat lets say 10x10 worhmhole which will last 2 seconds, so you will need to accelerate to max speed , hit the create-wormhole button and fly through. If you dont make and go only partialy (missed the wormhole or didnt go through all the way -> BOOM ;) And with same system, huge mothership could create 100x100 wormhole which will last maybe few minutes so whole fleets could fly through.

    This system would make quite challenging to design proper wormhole creator so your small party of players could go through one wormhole.

    Wormhole-creator will be made up by three different blocks, one which will determine size, one to determine time how wormhole will last open and coil block which you will have to charge before you open wormhole. You would be only abel to use stored energy in coils so there will be no instant jumps, and of course coil energy will decay so it wont be extra energy tank block.

    These blocks would be rare and expensive so big wormhole-creator will be a group project.


    Gates would be pretty much same ship-created wormholes but this one will be on space-station. It will have fixed size and location which you will construct from gate blocks. Gate will be more expensive then ship-wormholes to build but will require less energy to use.

    Gates will have two possible option, StarGate like one-to-one connection which will require even less energy but you would need second gate and Heavy Metal FAKK like teleport cannon that will fire/teleport you to other side of galaxy but you will have to fly back on your own. This will require more energy then StarGate option.

    In conclusion this idea is mainly about "how to start off", still if Schema find way how to create bugless warp this idea still can be used as enter-way to warp.
    May 24, 2013
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    I was about to write up the same idea, saves me time.

    Althought I was think, natural wormholes. That you force open with a module, how many you need depends on ships mass. Artifically wormhole, powered by stations, blocks to customise size and distance.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    i think the gate idea is the best, the personal Wormholes, not so much. but i really like the stargate stuff. definitely a good idea that i would love to see in the final version.

    Jun 23, 2013
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    It would be amazing if we could have Destiny style ships with it\'s own stargate :D and if every planet had stargate... some of us would be living our dreams here :D
    Jun 23, 2013
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    But I disagree with the wormhole creating ships, if you were to go that rout I would say they would be required to be large cumbersome things with minor defenses and long charge times, otherwise you would never be able to catch or destroy someone with a small wormhole creator and it would be impossible to follow them or track them in some way.

    I love the idea of a Star Gate system though and being able to build your own star gates, all you would have to do is build the gate and it would be required to be in a stationary position like stations. Then you put on the wormhole generator parts and boom you got a star gate. But I say go a little further and make it a requirement that there has to be a linked gate on the other end otherwise its a no go or perhaps make it very dangerous to make a blind jump. You could put randomly created gates around the universe too and even little planet based personnel gates.

    Not sure how you would go about linking the gates, maybe make it one gate per sector or maybe per system unless it\'s a personnel gate, id say those could go anywhere even on ships.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    oh, all the dreams my friend...

    What about somthing along the lines of a FTL \"Drive\", where your ship can go much faster than the usual speed limitations of the server, say the normal limit is 200, but you need to get to a certian area quickly, you could input coordanates into the FTL and your ship will do one quick jump, if power allows it to. just a thought and can be refined upon
    Jun 22, 2013
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    But then ships being attacked could just leave whenever things got bad. I suggest that you cannot warp for a couple seconds after you\'ve been hit at all. Also, this should completely drain your energy, making power regeneration go to 0 for a few seconds and sucking out all your power.

    Also, to give faster ships an advantage, a stronger thruster system means you can leave sooner after attack and the regeneration loss goes away sooner.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    My 2 cents on the matter, more just an extention to what people have said above.

    You have a warp block, or multiple, or similar to the docking in that it is a 2-part thing maybe Warp Core and Warp Coil or somthing. anyhow.

    To warp you use power based on the size of ship and the distance to travel. So there will be natural scaling of trying to warp a star destoryer vs a shuttle craft.

    To prevent sector spamming (warping from 0,0,0 to 0,0,1 to 0,0,2 ad infinitum) you make it so that warping always takes a set time, say 5 minutes. I cant remember what sci-fi it was, might have been Dune or similar, where all warping took the same time no matter how far you go.

    While warping ur ship is put into its own special warp tunnel looking universe, if u get out of the hsip and fly into the warp tunnel walls, or tooo far from the ship, you go splat.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I read that as meaning the worm hole ship would create a worm hole others go through, not the warp ship itself. Thus you could pilot a warp ship from 2,2,2 to say 200,200,200 and get ur ships (which are smaller than the warp ship) though to the new location, but ur huge carriers would have to take the long road.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    This would work, and you could also implement a system where it has a charge up time after the ship is alligned to the destination

    Also, maby set it so power drain is distance based


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Jump Drive:

    In the event that you\'re sorely outnumbered, you may need to get somewhere else really, really fast.
    The Jump Drive block would be able to open a wormhole, in which the size of the wormhole is based on the number of Jump Drive blocks being used. The power consumption would be absolutely massive - either a thousand points of power drain per second per block for a wormhole a set distance away from the ship, or an extremely heavy instant power drain for instant personal jump that can either take directly from main power stores instantly, or charge up.

    For a faster charge time on an instant jump, you\'d have to disable your shields.

    Essentially - you only jump mid-combat if you know for a fact that you won\'t survive the fight even if you try to run.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    So, the base idea is cool, its like you fly around and you find that \"PLANET\" your new Homebase from there you want to build an empire and force the GALAXY. My idea of the jumpgate thing is that you can build a startgate and you can connect this one to another so in the described case you fly to a planet in the orbit you have to build a jumpggate so then you explore the sectors around maybe you find an asteroidfield where you want to build a base then you can build there a second jumpgate and connect them. To make it not to easy you can set an delay so just every 2 Minutes you can jump between the gates and you cant jump in fights. The whole thing can be connected to a very larg network. It could be very interesting for factions.

    Or if you want more risk you can do it like in the good old freelancer so pirates can enter the route and bring you out of warp and attack you.

    The wormhole thing could be more like in EVE Online, they have several states like \"stable\", \"unstable\", etc... so some of them come and go away, some of them connect system which are far away others, are like one way tickets into a really dangereous npc base.

    I think it definitly needs such an element of gameplay.

    Sry for my english i am not the best in it:D
    Jun 23, 2013
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    What if when a wormwhole was made it left a sort of tear for a few seconds after and if a ship was quick it could open up another wormwhole i that general spot with no target destination and it would open up with the same target as the last one. Just a thought.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    In general i like the idea of haveing onboard wormwhole/hyperdrive/warp things, what i don\'t like is how much limitation gets put on its use. I\'m ok with the idea that your kinda powered down when you come out of a wormwhole/hyperspace/warp (from here in WHW) and you have to take some time to recharge your WHW capasiters, what I don\'t like is that you can\'t have your own stuff charged while your just floating about. I see why, i just don\'t like it. I\'d be much happier if, instead of haveing to charge up when you see an attacker if you could keep your WHW charged for like 5 mins at a time and then it would have to power off and cool down for a minute or two before you could charge it again or else risk blowing up your WHW. It would add some stratagie to your chargeing, like say if your in pirate zone you try to keep it charged for as long as possable but if your in trade teritory or some other safe zone you might leave it uncharged.

    I also really really like the idea that WHW\'s have transit time, as mentioned above with one small change, instead of it being 5 mins where ever you want to go, its something like distance/((10*maxspd)*1+trusttowheight)=time so if you have a positive TTW you get there faster but if its lesser it takes much longer(note thats just a rough guess equation) I\'d also like to see if there could be some kind of math involved in ploting your route, not nessicary for transit but if you put some time into your calculations your could find ways and routes that could cut travel time in half. like if i go by this planet then go this way i can make my self get there X seconds/minutes faster.

    well that was my 2 cents on this matter. i\'m open to sugjestions.