Another Block to Enter the ship.

    Aug 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    Sometimes when you build your ship your core is in an odd place, or if you have a large ship then it can be difficult to get back into the core considering the size of the ship. I suggest a block simelar to the cockpit which you can place on the outside of your ship, or anywhere in the ship, and it acts an an entry to the core, so you could click "R" and you would enter the ships core and have the full features of the ship. It could be called a Core Enhancer or an Entry block.
    Jul 7, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Although I like the tradeoff with larger ships being: would you rather have a better protected core, or a more conveniently located core in the bridge, I think that another entry block would be a great improvement. 1), I think the core SHOULD be well protected regardless. That\'s why it\'s called the \"core\", because it should be at the core of the ship, the heart if you will. 2), When you start a ship, particularly a large one, you may not be sure where you want the bridge to be, or where you want the core to be in relation to the rest of the design. The current build mode allows for dynamic and gradual additions to your original design, but it makes it harder to plan ahead when designing a larger structure. 3), from a logical standpoint, I can\'t think of a reason why a pilot would get in the ship\'s core to fly it. That would be like having to get in the engine in order to drive your car. No, it makes more sense for there to be a core and then a piloting station somewhere, probably in the bridge. Thus it would be smart to have a dedicated core which is the first block placed, around which you design the ship to protect it, and then later add a piloting block from where you would like to control the ship.