Analog Logic: Sine and Dial

    Jul 30, 2017
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    Here's an idea for two logic blocks that are analog rather than binary, and would open up a wide range of new possibilites especially for rails.

    SINE generator: Generates an analog sine wave with a frequency of 1 second. Similar to a speed controller, the frequency can be stepped up by linking ON activation modules, and stepped down by linking OFF activation modules. A sine generator linked to a DELAY would make that DELAY output a cosine.
    Benefits: Smooth back-and-forth sweeps on rail tracks and rotators, as well as many potential other uses.

    DIAL: This is like an activation module, but it outputs a manually selected analog signal. You could adjust this by, perhaps, selecting it with C and using mouse drag or mouse wheel, or maybe up and down keys, to dial up and down, and get a visual representation of the setting on the block itself.
    Benefits: Manual fine-tuning and moving of rail tracks and rotators, as well as the above-mentioned SINE frequencies, or DELAY periods, or other things besides.

    These two blocks and an analog logic system could make very interesting and useful mechanics possible with rail movement alone, enabling complex mechanical action on ships and stations. And that's not even touching their potential use in logic computing, or controlling various other blocks such as lights.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Unfortunately, computing is digital, and not analog. Blocks have one bit reserved for their activation state. If I'm not mistaken, accommodating this would mean switching from that bit to a floating-point number... That amount of extra data could have a lot of other, less niche uses if they were to add it to every block.