An update to inventory

    Jun 30, 2013
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    Ok, so, I recently read this:

    and noticed that there was a freighter class ship that the author listed. Then I thought well what good is a freighter when all you need is a few plex storages and you have every item in the game?

    This gave me an idea. Currently, players can carry an unlimited stack of items (Well, so close to unlimited it doesn't matter) and have little use for a ship built for moving items. What if stacks capped out at like 100, or 64 (minecraft style) so transporting goods became something important on a larger scale. I know what people are thinking: "well, then when we go into build mode we'll have to constantly replace our stacks and thats boring. No. Make the plex storages connected to the ship in a way that when you go into build mode on that ship you have access to all items that are stored. So moving items becomes a task, but building does not really change. I don't know, thats just my 2 cents and something that would make pirating and escorting a hell of a lot more fun.
    Jul 11, 2013
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    Cap it at about 128 for most items cause 64 is way to little with how large ships can get, but otherwise this is a great idea. Say whenever you run out of a stack thats in your hotbar, if you have another stack of that item in your our your ships inventory then it is automaticly moved to the hotbar.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Yeah, 128 or even 256 would work wonders for this. BUT we\'d really need a way to hook up mining beams to storage containers.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I mean you can place over 1000 blocks at one time, it would obviously need a cap at 10k at least.
    Feb 13, 2013
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    This is a neat idea but for builders starting ships would be a pain inless you have a high cap value but to high and the idea of this would not work very well. So there would be a lot of changing the value to the point that it might just be easier to leave it.
    Jul 7, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I can see hull peices set between 5k-10k but others like processing materials and such could be limited to 1k-4k each or less. Just my idea on the subject.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    yeah, increased cap values for specific blocks like hull blocks would be convenient. And yeah, a way for salvagers to feed straight into a storage. As of right now in starmade, piracy is near pointless. If you want to steal from someone you kill them and nom their ship. There\'s no point in jacking it or disabling it when there\'s no good onboard but the ship itself.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    Definitely! This could even spawn team mining programs. One person constantly runs the salvager which stored the block at a rear storage which another ship can access and transport the goods somewhere.


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    The more PlexStorage blocks connected, the higher the stack value can be, perhaps?

    If you have 1 block, you have a normal inventory size with a stack size of 100 items.
    If you add a second block, give it an adjacency bonus and treat them as a single storage box. Increase the stack size to 200. Add a third block and it becomes 300, and so on.
    Then you could eventually have extreme size boxes that carry massive quantities of materials, yeah?

    When building a ship, it wouldn\'t run off of the player\'s inventory - it would run on the ship\'s storage space. All items used would be taken directly from the storage space while building, so you\'d have to make a temporary storage crate to REALLY get it started. Mining beams also dump straight into the box. For simplicity of usage, add a connection system like in factories so it will only take resources from the furthest storage space in the stack.

    That\'d also give us a good reason to make actual barges and freighters.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    It would be neat if we could group storages then, like.. 1 storage can hold 125 of each item, 2 can hold either 250 (but you can access those stacks from either block, they share inventory, just havem ore capacity per slot) or perhaps more to give them a grouping effect?
    Jun 29, 2013
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    I quite like the idea with the plexstorages increaing max stack size...I think default should maybe be 100 of an item for ship parts(besides hull) and 1000 of all other...but this should also be editable by server admins(so that people who like to have a \"creative\" mode can have a very high cap)
    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    How about the player inventory storage out of range of a plexistorage is low, say, around 100 items per stack, inside a single plexistorage block, 1000 per stack, and then it scales up with gradually diminishing rises (decreasing logarithmic scale multiplier on stack increase?) depending on number of plexistorage blocks clustered together.

    So, large cargo holds can carry a lot, small cargo holds can hold a little, and you have reason to get lots and lots.

    Only thing I would add with stack caps is maybe an alphabetic sorting system, even if it\'s a seperate block module that attaches onto a plexistorage to keep the blocks in a organised order.
    Jul 16, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Rather than changing how plexistorage works, if we had a block such as a Cargohold block, it could be conected to your salvage computer so it will fill up rather than your inventory (or instead of it if your inventory is full), and any loot piles you go through will go into the cargohold as well. Then we could build ore transports,ect, that would have a use. I would also like to see a way to move things from one container to another (wether its the plxistorage or my hypothisized cargohold container it doesn\'t mater) by say selecting one container with R, and having an option to exit the container and connect it with another. After doing so in the container window you would have the two inventory screens for each container, and a small collapsable window on the side with the player inventory. Allowing for transfer of cargo from your ship to your base, or ship to ship.

    And one last sidenote, having a \"Buy All\" option in the store would be nice, rather than having to put in the exact number of items when you are say stocking up on hulls.