An Open Letter to Management


    Count Duku
    Sep 4, 2013
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    • Schine
    This thread is currently locked, until we've sorted out a few things with the poster and contents of the thread.
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    Reactions: CaptainTaz
    Aug 17, 2013
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    What was the post? I'm legitimately curious.
    Apparently I'm not allowed to discuss it, other people will tell you though, I'm sure.

    Uh, yeah. We don't like flamewars. Shockingly enough, we don't like threads that are 10 pages long and consist of two or more people screaming back and forth at eachother.
    The point I was trying to make is that, people are so offended of starting a flame war, that they censor their opinions to the point of being mute.

    I think I know what could ease the severety of the issue of having posts deleted without a way of "undeleting" them, in case the post turned out to not be violating the rules...
    I can get behind that, you've got my vote at any rate.
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