An extension to the new shields


    Jan 12, 2015
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    Oh hi, so how are you holding up, cause I'm a potato, wishing for some sort of solid energy barrier around our ships, and recently I've noticed this.

    While it looks like a bubble shield it is not and who frequents the forum a little knows but this is not the point of this post.
    What if we could generate segments of weapon blocking barriers inside the shield zones that have no collision with solid entities.
    The absolute rule should be triangles, as no shield segment can have other shape and the game would automatically draw them after the player sets the pivot points, which should be intangible.
    Proof of concept is the same shield zone introduced in the devbuild as you see the game draws triangles to define the area.

    I'm using the logic blocks connections to draw the triangles manually but you should think those are the pivot points, on contact with a shot the triangle segment would glow with a hue the color of whatever light is slaved to the core. The borders would be rendered with the new outline but with a smaller size and each segment border could be visible only on damage block.
    In this case I'm adapting the segments to a small isanth but I'm not saying that big segments can't exist for ease of use.

    Outlining and Glow reference:

    This glow shouldn't be this way but only limit to it's triangle but I don't have amazing image skills.
    Maybe you could be able to make larger shield segments as long as the pivots are inside shielding areas and they can be turned on and off, also the damage can be divided between the shield generators involved in it but this is something more advanced.

    This system would be an extra for people that would like some sort of bubble shield/forcefield that dissipates when shields are low to create safe areas on the ship for astronauts and maybe close allied ship entities without stacking forcefield blocks or water which take a lot of render process while also giving a unique shield to Starmade, with more gameplay potential and the penalty for using these systems which should be turnable off with logic completely or only partially is having them at all as you get an increased hitbox.

    Well I hope you don't get triggered for one's whishing for "faceted shields".
    I've tried using water blocks as a replacement but it's not the same as they block allied shots from inside and the transition of an entity through makes a lot of lag.