An actual idea for FTL! >NOT AN FTL REQUEST<

    Oct 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    Let me just point something out real fast. I am NOT re-suggesting FTL drives.

    What if when you activated your Schemadyne Faster Than Light whatever the heck device thingy 1000 (SFTLWtHDT1000tm) You were teleported to another world, a small world specifically created temporarily for the FTL jump, in which you must chill in for a bit while moving, and you would be in there for a time relative to and determined by the upgrading of your drive, the amount of thrusters you have, etc, and it could have some cool light effects, to show off the SPLENDID shaders you guys have thrown into the game (props for that one guys!)

    Now what if maybe, just maybe, we also had some kind of way to intercept an FTL jump and pull people out of this TEMP dimension created on the fly using wonderful optimization like the nether in minecraft which i am sure you guys will come up with because you are AWESOME, like perhaps a massive powerhog that gobbles up power in enourmous amounts to halt ships in FTL and pull them into the sector they would be passing through during FTL (it could draw a virtual line from point A to point B and estimate where your ship will be after what amount of time, and pull you out of FTL when you reach that amount of time in the FTL dimension that you created upon jumping. The grouping and amount of power allocated could change how small of ships it can pull out, and ships with better upgrading on their FTL drive, etc.

    Also if there was no cap to the amount you can upgrade your FTL drive but the cost exponented every upgrade, it would add a wonderful player-made twist to the system, making no limit to the threat you can pose/defend against.

    Thanks guys!