AMC, Armor, Capital, and Shield Tweaks

    Jul 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    After playing StarMade for a good 2 weeks, and lurking the forums most of that time, the weak points of StarMade's combat system have become fairly clear. I think I may have some ideas to help alleviate these problems, while at the same time making ship construction even more creative and fun. All 3 of the biggest problems (capital ship vs. frigate shields, AMC lag/big ship lag, uselessness of armor/massive missile damage, and gigantism) can solved by some slight tweaking to current mechanics, as well as the addition of one new mechanic.

    First, Armor. It is currently near-useless against any kind of attack, and it's only advantage over building a ship out of moonrocks is it has a 10th of the mass. Have Reinforced Hull spread 90% of it's incoming damage to all other connected Reinforced Hulls, as well as an regular Hull directly touching Reinforced Hull. Once a Reinforced Hull block reaches 20%, it quits sharing damage. This will encourage players to have realistic bulkheads to weather damage in key locations, much like today's naval ships. Have missile deal their damage only to blocks in the blast radius that are also touching open air. The will be much more realistically, as their blast force will be greatly reduced against a full health, flat bulkhead, but will still do a very large amount of damage to blocks on a piece of armor that is nearly dead. This will also help prevent "drill for the core!" strategies, as it may become more viable to pick off the much-weaker turrets, and will also prevent smaller ships from being instantly destroyed.

    Second, AMC Cannons. They shouldn't get bigger, deal more damage, shoot faster, and go farther just for having more stuffed into a single cannon. I propose adding one more option to the output for AMCs, as well as changing how their reload speed works. If you have 2 or more AMCs flush with each other at the output, grant the laser a greatly reduced fire rate, a reduced projectile speed, roughly 1.9x attack, as well as minimal splash damage and a roughly 2.1x higher power draw (the advantage being increased damage vs. bulkheads, via splash+spread damage) . Also greatly reduce the +reload speed from adding more AMCs in general, having each subsequent AMC grant less +reload than the block before it – even to the point of decreasing the fire-rate (so the largest cannons will have a very slow fire rate, but deal a massive ball of high damage that has extreme range+projectile speed). Also, add a tracking speed to turrets, based off the mass of the overall turret. This will work minimize DPS the larger the AMC cannons become, as well as making less and less effective against smaller ships as the turret grows in size.

    Third, Shields. Add a “damage soak” mechanic based on the number of shield blocks in a ship. If each shield block adds a small of amount of damage prevention against each shot (I’d suggest a hard number vs. a %, as this will be a huge deterrent to metagaming players who spam single-shot checker boarded MAX-DPS cannons that generate massive lag), shields would become useful again. I’m not sure what number for prevention would be good right now, but defiantly something that favors small amounts of shield blocks over mass shield blocks. Maybe 10 for the first 1, 1 for the next 10, .1 for the next 100, .01 for the next 1000, and so on. This way, a small ship with 111 shield blocks will have 30 damage from every shot reduced, while a Titan with a whopping 1.1mil shield blocks will only resist 70 dmg/shot. Again, the idea being to stack the odds in the favor of the small fighter, as now turrets will have both a harder time hitting the fighter with high damage rounds, and the fighter will much greater resistance to smaller, faster turrets.

    The final mechanic I suggest adding is reduced maximum speed+acceleration for capital ships, then adding some sort of warp-drive. This will greatly help to deter players from just cruising around in their 2 second 0-to-100kmh Titan, decreasing server stress. Add a rare resource that is both expensive and can’t normally be found in shops normally that works as fuel (or modify one of the current ones), to prevent players from abusing capital ship warp-advantage too much, and have it exponentially increase based on ship mass, and linearly decreased based on the volume+mass of warp-drive cubes.

    Hopefully, these 4 changes will help to a.) Reduce capital ship wieldeness to only be usefully in large battles, as fighters will have every mobility advantage. b.) Increase creativity+fun in ship design by incorporating realistic armor. c.) Greatly reduce server lag by slowing down AMCs, reducing usefulness of spammed AMCs vs. single, large AMCs, and reduce the amount of people cruising in capital ships. d.) Reduce the current state of the OP missile, without destroying everything the missile is about (although, I do suggest they follow the same pattern as the AMCs, so to destroy huge chunks, you’ll need a 5x5 cannon that fires fairly slow, but does incredible damage to bulkheads)
    Sep 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    i have played starmade for some time now, i have also seen the over powerd being of all wapon kinds exspext the explosif block.

    my idea is to make amc\'s infeffectif agens harden hull it self so that u will need rockets to get past the hull and amc\'s to drain the shilds to the point of being abel to blast it down with rockets this also makes it shot gun ships even less effectif agenst the ships it self

    a waay to shoot down rockets it self so when a big wave of rockets is fired at u u can lauch some kind of other wapon to shoot down the rockets this will make a battle much more intence since u have to counter the enemys atack

    also a special wapon that can only be mounted on bigg ships may be an idea, a wapon like this mucht be build in a special patern like blastfurnces and some other machien / storage parts in minecraft mods so that also it has to have no hull in front of the out put to work els u will blow up u own ship and some kind of effect hat the enemy can see that u are charging up u gaint beam wapon one way to make that wapons huge ships only is making it so that they drain like 2milion e/sec and having them use a big space in u ship it self

    futer more keep up the good work with the shild regen but jsut make the regen when under atack bigger since its still not realy realistic

    i hope that my ideas are suported by more players

    Oct 8, 2013
    Reaction score
    I agree with everything accept the shield soak idea. Instead, It would be cool if you had a field around your ship, that is based on how many shield blocks you have. That way, a Capitol ship has a large bubble around it, that ships can fly inside, making fighters useful. You could also use this feature to protect smaller ships inside of your bubble.
    Jul 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    I like some of these ideas. Would love to see them tested out.
    Sep 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    Legolas170 a sphere like shild sounds good but than there has to be soem thgint aht when a friendly ship whise to pass it tha tit has to open up and make u weak at that place also it has to phuse away enemy ships and astroids but also give options to give front side or back more shild power or so it just makes it a whole lot harder to build a ship and also fly it on u own if u get what i mean u will need to have some exstra hands and eyes to mange the systems so meaby a kind of dubble shild for big ships like a sphere shild to take the firsts hits and protect the fighter fleet and than a hull layer to protect the ship it self when the sphere has broken down

    but the shild recharg still has to be made biger when the ship is under atack