AMC and shield changes

    Jun 28, 2013
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    AMC cannons are way too OP, no matter how to place them. Hardened hulls and hulls are not useless except for decorating now, as any decent array will one/two shot most blocks.

    So I think the default AMC cannon damage needs to be nerfed. I sugest that one block AMC arrays shoot faster, the projectiles go faster, but the damage is incredibly weak. The counting needs to be on a total-block count instead of a grouping basis, since if the game uses a grouping basis then 10,000 single block arrays are going to rip through shields, armor and hull in no time.

    I also suggest that larger AMC arrays shoot slower, but do more damage (maybe even splash damage), and become more and more beam-like the more blocks there are. That way large ships battles become more of a skill/timing thing.

    Also, I suggest that the shields use a grouping basis. Most sci-fi books/movies out there have front/rear shields on a single ship. This can be done with "shield ships", like a ship full of shields docked on a larger ship. That way, if you take down the portside shields, the ship can maneuver so you can't shoot the port side and let the shields regenerate.

    Also, make hulls stronger. Maybe share the damage with neighboring hull blocks. They also need a lot more HP.

    Thanks for reading if you did. I hope you like my suggestion.
    Aug 15, 2013
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    Amcs Definitively have to be nerfed and fighter cannons shoud shoot a ot faster but making the amcs count in total would be really annoying .

    I suggest to make the AMCs scale way better in big numbers to make checkerboard patterns useless and let cannons,BIG cannons gain enormous power.

    No one would need chckerboard amcs to destroy more blocks since an big cannon eats through everything in no time.

    I would put more though on the armor suggestion since it would make missiles completely worthless (they are just nearly worthless right now)
    Jun 28, 2013
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    I think that the missiles need to get a huge change. Speed, locking mechanism, damage, stuffs.

    One thing worth noting is I hate explosions that are round.
    Jul 11, 2013
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    Also, you are wrong about projectile speed vs size of the cannon.

    Larger cannons shoot a lot faster projectiles and deal a lot more damage at the cost of long reload times. Reason for that is they are just a lot more powerful.

    You will find that military equipment follows this rule. Handguns are slower than Rifles. Rifles are slower than Snipers, Snipers are slower than Tank shells. Tank shells are slower than rockets etc. But then a standard pistol can be practically automatic whereas it gets more and more difficult to make fast-reloading weaponry the larger it gets.

    So the bigger your gun, the faster the projectile, the longer it\'s range and the more power it carries which also helps make these cannons more accurate at longer ranges. Sniper cannons basically. This directly affects the reload speed, which should be the real focus for a nerf. That\'s the only property that needs to be changed - or rather flipped around to act opposite to how it is at the moment.

    On the side:

    Big cannons are usually found on big ships. If your projectile flies slowly, never mind missing it\'s target, it might not even make it beyond your own ship. It would be utterly useless. Especially with thruster properties we have, I can just move my capital out of the way before your capital hits anything.
    Jun 28, 2013
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    But what about those 1-block AMC arrays? They don\'t need to fire fast, they are too powerful.
    Jul 11, 2013
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    Projectiles have to fly at a certain speed to begin with. Smaller ones could fly fast, but bigger ones have to fly faster. If the speed modifier based on your speed is enabled in the server config, that wouldn\'t be a problem. You could have 1 block arrays and fly quickly at your target, adding speed to your projectiles. I\'m not entirely sure how it works, but it\'s supposed to be a percentage of your top speed so 100kmh = 100% more speed.

    1 block ac arrays would carry very little power and have a limited range. They could reload very fast. In fact, that\'s the idea - the smaller they are, the faster they fire. If you take a gattling gun, it fires fast but isn\'t very accurate and doesn\'t have the same useable range as a sniper rifle. It does a lot of damage due to it\'s reload speed but that\'s where it\'s advantages start to run out.

    Basically, small arrays fire lots of little, weak projectiles that fly relatively fast.

    Big arrays fire large, powerful and very fast projectiles at long ranges but take ages to reload.

    I think that\'s simple and accurate enough, right?