AMC Aesthetics

    Jan 5, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    I know everyone wants to change the AMCs as they currently are. I'm not here to talk about how overpowered the AMCs are, I'm here to talk about how dull they are. I realize that this is an Alpha game, and that aesthetics aren't entirely a big deal at the moment, but hey.

    My AMC suggestions:

    • Color change. I'm pretty sure this is in the "Planned Features" page, but I'm putting it here anyway. If one could voluntarily change the color of the AMC blast as it fires, it'd be pretty far out. Imagine a space battle involved hundreds of lasers flying about, but one ship's AMC blasts are green, while the other's is red.

    • Sound change. You see all these massive ships with massive AMC arrays, and they still make a pitiful "pew pew" when they fire. The standard "pew pew" sound is appropriate for a tiny fighter, or maybe even a corvette or blockade runner, but a capital ship? Meh. I propose that the larger the AMC array, the deeper the sound. Or something. Maybe even change the sound completely? A massive cannon might make a "WHUM" instead of a "pew" sound when it fires. It might not be a NECESSARY change to the game, but it'd be cool nonetheless.

    • Size change. Falling back onto the topic of big ships, a massive ship with a massive AMC cannon array still makes tiny itty bitty lasers. They may me quick-firing and grotesquely powerful, but the fact remains that they are tiny. And compared to a capital ship, that's kinda sad. So I propose that somewhere along the line, one can upgrade the laser size. Whether that's by making a large enough cannon to qualify or by directly changing something around, I don't care. Perhaps a new cannon block is in order, one that requires massive amounts of space and energy to fire, but with devastating effects. (A cannon with area-of-effect damage would be nice. Imagine a crater blown into the side of a vessel not with missiles, but with the central heavy cannon of a capital ship.) I know that arranging AMCs into a checker pattern can provide this effect, but I disapprove of shotgunning.

    Again, I know that some of these may be in the Planned Features, and some of these may have been suggested before. In that case, I sincerely apologize for wasting your time.

    And yes, I have played the game. Condescension is neither necessary nor welcome.
    Jul 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    I\'m pretty sure there are points of firepower in which size and sound changes. It isn\'t a direct scale, but after a certain point I believe it does change. I\'ve seen ships firing different sized shots and pretty sure larger ship\'s I\'ve used have a stronger sound than the small ships I like to use. I know for certain that the hit sound is different for shots of different power after a point. It would nice to have it directly scale rather than changing after certain criteria.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Competition Winner - Stations
    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Legacy Citizen 10
    With all the new weapons being added different effects are definitely important. I think that factions should also be able to change the colors of their guns so that it is unified like in Star Wars.