This is a brainstorm for a possible alternative way of setting up the missile combinations. I think this better reflects the way missiles are actually used in the game. Obviously there are still things missing, like a way to trade range for damage or vice versa, but it's an interesting idea nonetheless.
In this alternate scheme, 3 of 4 missile types lock on. The remaining one is a dumbfire that trades speed for damage depending on the combination ratio.
In this alternate scheme, 3 of 4 missile types lock on. The remaining one is a dumbfire that trades speed for damage depending on the combination ratio.
- Missile--: General purpose
- Like the current m-b weapon, this is a general-use missile you can throw at just about anything.
- Works about equally well against hull and shields.
- Missile-Cannon: "Shaped charge"
- The larger the secondary, the more damage goes forward, into the target.
- Overall damage is somewhat reduced for balance.
- Damage against shields is reduced even more. At 100% secondary, damage to shields is reduced by 90%
- Missile-Beam: "Shield-buster" or "Ion warhead"
- More damage to shields, but less against blocks.
- At 100% secondary, damage to shields is doubled and damage to blocks is reduced by 90%.
- Missile-Missile: "Dumbfire"
- Double damage but no guidance.
- The larger the secondary, the lower the missile's speed and the larger the maximum blast radius. With 100% secondary, it acts like today's "bomb" missile.