Recognized Allow ship factories as a config option.

    Whats everyone think?

    • Yes, I'd use this for now even knowing that it WILL change later.

      Votes: 35 79.5%
    • No, wait until the finished product.

      Votes: 6 13.6%
    • Don't care / No plans to use factories on ships.

      Votes: 3 6.8%

    • Total voters
    Jul 24, 2015
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    Like the subject says. Make factories on ships a configurable feature (default off) so those who want a true nomadic play style can use it for the time being. This will also allow for feedback from the community to allow the devs to decide exactly how to balance/implement this feature officially later.

    I can already see the potential concern of having everyone turning it on then their ships breaking when this becomes an official feature. This is why it would be default off in the configs, complete with a warning telling people this is a "use at your own risk, not official feature" tossed in for people who want to toy with it now.
    Although honestly I don't see it breaking people's ships much as all they'd have to do is remove the factory related blocks if need be. We're not talking about overhauling the shield/weapon systems here which would involve gutting half their ship to fix ;)

    I know this is a planned capital ship feature, however if that feature won't be coming soon (ie: another month or so) this would be a nice temporary function for players to utilize now since there is a very high demand for it - especially among the players who prefer a nomadic play style. Plus as I said, it will give early feedback on how people are using it so devs can plan accordingly in the final balancing when the time comes reducing the amount of tweaking needed later on. It's a win-win :)
    Sep 1, 2015
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    I think this would be nice. No reason to require players to have bases in single player or if servers want it. I think this makes sense to do.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    Perhaps balance it with the shipyard must be completely surrounded because if anything except that being build enters while it's building, it can break.

    Or require 1000 mass ship for 1 mass yard (so only fighters can be produced by a frigate and frigates require a titan).
    Jul 24, 2015
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    Well I was thinking more the normal factories, but shipyards could be cool too. The idea is all the devs have to do for the next release is enable it as a config file setting. Shouldn't take more than a few seconds to add in. Adding limitations such as "shipyards need to be enclosed" requires added coding which will ultimately become obsolete anyway making it pointless added work (unless this is how they will intend it to be anyway, then its just getting that coding done early, but I'll leave that purely to the discretion of the devs).
    Also I see potential for broken ships much easier with ship yards on ships though since that requires an entire dedicated area to be potentially reworked. Normal factories, worse case scenario, just remove the factory blocks then boom, ship is 'unbroken' when the system is officially added.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    • Wired for Logic
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    Also ship undeathinators please!
    Re-spawn ships !!! (but I know what you meant. undeathinator ON ships)

    you missed : "…, because if anything except that being build enters while it's building, it can break." which requires just a collision check.
    Mar 13, 2016
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    Give choice to the players.
    Add some sand to the sandbox.

    If a player in singleplayer wants to put factories on their ship, let them enable that option.
    If a server owner wants to enable factories on the ship, let them do that. Some people will love playing on such server.
    If someone doesn't like the balance-impact of the factory on a ship, he will not be playing on a server that has it on, nor running such a server.

    Don't know about competitive environment, but for people who play for the fun of it, having a factory on a ship would certainly be very nice.
    It's not like you have one single server where everyone plays so the change will not impact all the playerbase.
    Just allow it for those who want it.

    I don't think the invulnerability should go with it. Noone seems to ask for that. Just the ability to make stuff on the go, live on the road.
    In a game about space and space travel having a requirement of being attached to a certain place (a base) is kinda dissapointing.

    Please give the option.


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    I think that this is already possible by moving the factory config (currently under stations) to the normal blocks config.

    This is a valid suggestion though, especially since having to mess around in the configs isn't he most intuitive ever. I can't say that config options have ever hurt anyone :P
    Mar 31, 2015
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    If factories are enabled on ships, there should be some restrictions-- like the number of factory enhancers that can be on a ship, as well as the number of factories of each type that can be running at any given time. I think a good limit is 4 total factories running at any given time (Basic, Standard, Advanced, Refinery, Micro Assembler, and maybe Brainstorm This - Recycler/Block Digester), and no more than 12 factory enhancers on a ship. Of course, this should all be user-configurable.
    Nov 30, 2015
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    If factories are enabled on ships, there should be some restrictions-- like the number of factory enhancers that can be on a ship, as well as the number of factories of each type that can be running at any given time. I think a good limit is 4 total factories running at any given time (Basic, Standard, Advanced, Refinery, Micro Assembler, and maybe Brainstorm This - Recycler/Block Digester), and no more than 12 factory enhancers on a ship. Of course, this should all be user-configurable.
    Yes, a mass or block based system would be good for that sort of thing.


    Social Media Director
    Jun 25, 2013
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    It is possible that factories on ships will be a config option when we get to working on factories on ships.
    Oct 18, 2014
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    I will factories on ships, i wait on this function since i play starmade.
    Its bad when i am on the other site of the galaxie and my spacestation is milions km from me away.