I like this idea but I think these to need some modifications:
- Missile + Scanner: simler to your idea but missiles will auto lock-on targets it gets within a certain short range OR fire off a decoy flare to draw off lock on missiles.
- Beam + Scanner: setup should be a target painter beam that buffs weapons firing at the same target instead of damaging ships, beams and cannons gain better accuracy and missiles take less time to get a lock.
A key apsect of these ideas should be ease of implementation. Any big changes to the way the game works require a lot of work from schema, while simple tweaks require far less. Some ideas out there seem simple, but would require completely
I like your idea for the beam + scanner giving an offense boost against the target, but I find that it might be difficult to balance, and I don't think lock-on time is coded to be variable. (correct me if I'm wrong)
The idea for missile + scanner is just a copy of the guidance system from Dragon anti-tank missiles (since replaced with the fire-and-forget javelin type). You have to keep lock on the target the entire time, the missiles themselves only go toward the designated target. While I could be wrong, I think there is code to turn off/on the guidance of a missile.
What I DON'T think there is code for are:
Constantly judging range to a target to decide when to auto-lock
Anything related to missile decoys or flares. (just use a jammer)
Weapon damage/accuracy/lock on time variation.
Your ideas would be cool, if potentially overpowered. I just think they would be more trouble than they are worth.