Allow Moving/Converting Stations to Ships (and vice versa!)

    Sep 11, 2013
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    Hello! :)

    I've been thinking about the game currently, and so far, though I've liked a lot of what I've seen so far, one of my biggest concerns currently is the fact that stations cannot currently be saved to one's computer. Whenever you place a build block (or even a ship's core if you use the modding feature to change its placeability), and you try to save, it'll give you an error message stating that you can only save ships. On public servers, that's a huge problem, because, except for faction homes, your hard work could be lost to enemy attack, or in the case of a server problem, a server failure or shutdown.

    I've thought about this, and I think the best way to deal with this, is to actually allow the placement of ship cores onto a station, and allow them to be moved and be considered ships, and have a limiter to how many ship cores you can have on one ship (1 would make sense, of course). Then, when you arrive at your destination, there should be a simple function that converts the ship into a station. It would make things a lot easier for those wanting to mass-produce stations, and encourage people to create an empire. And, best of all, if you can convert a station into a ship, you can save it! :D

    Anyway, I hope that this gets implimented. :)
    Sep 30, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
    I would like to turn a big captial into a station and vise-versa. Cause there is no easy way to make a station, and if someone invaded yours, that means you have to build off of the remains, or start all over again. I hope the devs are listening :) cause this is brillant!
    Nov 3, 2013
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    its easy to build a space station, just use buildblocks (the same with planets), its also an easy way to gether resources with the advanced build mode
    Jun 26, 2013
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    \'I\'m wondering if it is simple as changing the build block id to a ship core id and renaming the ENTITY_ type to respective ship or station.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    • Railman Gold
    • Thinking Positive
    That is how many people make stations and bases yes :p but that wasnt the question.

    Also, using Build blocks to \"Harvest\" is a bad idea, cause it generates Alot of Lag o -o Use Salvage Lasers, thats what they are meant for.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    • Railman Gold
    • Thinking Positive
    Sometime people just upright use Ships for Bases, its not that crazy o -o abeit it would lag a little More

    To save a Station, you have to save the Sector (import/export), be able to spawn a station in via BP would undoubtably cause some collision issues (2 unmoving objects spawn onto each other/merging with shops).

    However turning a station into a ship could be troublesome, considering factories, Plexlifter, Shops and undeathinators can only be placed on a station, and 3 of these are designed not to move at all o -o which will result in some strange bugs, or perhaps upright not working. As well as the reverse (ship into a station) since onboard weapons do not work all that well.

    Perhaps one day there will be a new entity type added? Maybe do something with them Death Star Cores that currently have no use :p but ship Station would probably be a bad idea
    Sep 5, 2013
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    • Community Content - Bronze 1
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
    ever tried to use the save command? it saves the station (or ship) and everything connected to it as a blueprint. Then just use the spawn command and u got ur station