hubertus09, I\'m managing another server and have no relation with this(didn\'t visit it), but by what you said, hope you know that sometimes the ping ammount is misscalculated by the game, so for like, 10 seconds it can be over 1k even though he has no lag or \"high ping\" for real. It may happen even for yourself that your ping jumps over 10k due to local sector\'s lag spike (where for example 4 people can get high pings but the rest being fine). schema wrote that detail in the last update\'s newsboard \"There are still some misterious lag spikes on servers which I still have to investigate.\"
Ping can also get highly increased (again, 1k+ even 30k pings) when near huge ships/stations for a minute or two, but it shouldn\'t be for long.
Just informing, everything else is up to you.
Have fun,