AI vs fighters

    Dec 16, 2013
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    I've been playing around for a bit with trying to build AI craft that can destroy fighter class vessels such as the Isanth. So far my testing has not gone well... I'm using the default settings for the server settings aside from a larger build area and larger sector size with weapons set to not scale with sector size.

    My testing environment:
    - Spawn 2 craft 5km apart (to start outside of weapons range)
    - Opposing factions are non pirate to avoid them trying to kill neutrals.
    - Sector is set to noexit/noentry
    - Battle is setup where both factions start as ally I spawn both sides, then set them to enemy. This tries to make things as even as possible (nothing should be loading)
    - Ships are spawned using the /spawn_entity_pos command
    - Ships are spawned along the x axis so that they both need to turn the same amount to face eath other (make things fair).

    My general testing has seen the following behavior from the AI:
    - AI craft seem to engage at around 2.5km away.
    - Once entering the 2.5km range AI strafes to the side
    - AI craft fire their weapons as soon as they see an enemy, making use of slow recharge weapons less useful.
    - AI cannot aim beam weapons against a target that is strafing (it always leads the target)
    - Cannon type weapons rarely hit targets at the range of 2.5km, unless the ai accuracy is set much higher than what's the default in the server config.
    - Missiles seem unable to hit craft below a certain size (they generally miss/gt dodged by the ai)

    This combination makes it very difficult to destroy fighter craft with the default server settings with what I have tried:
    - Engaging Isanths with standard beam weaponry(Beam/cannon or Beam/none) works great until the AI begins to strafe.
    - Engaging Isanths with arc beams gets the craft killed as it enters a range where the crafts can hit each other, but since the AI fired the arc beam well outside of range (at a seemingly random point in space), the craft is at a significant disadvantage as it's needs to wait for it's weapon to recharge while it's taking point blank hits from the enemy craft's weapons.
    - Engaging with rapidfire cannons (cannon/cannon) does work though it's takean inordinate amount of time the shots mostly miss.
    - Attempting a combination of an arc beam, and rapidfire beam seems to not even try. It looks menacingly at the enemy fighters but doesn't try to fire (not certain why this doesn't work).

    So at present, I see the only way to destroy Isanths or other fighter like craft using the AI is to use one of the following strategies:
    - Destroy the craft at range with beams before they enter their 2.5km strafing zone. (overwhelming force)
    - Destroy the craft with rapidfire cannons. Either with overwhelming force (this needs to be pretty overwhelming too to at any reasonable amount of time) or use rapidfire cannons and wait a very long time.
    - Ignore the enemy fighers and use shield regen to make my ships immune to their weapons.

    None of these options seem like good ones... I've seen other threads complain about the being unable to destroy Isanths, and I've seen various advice on the matter, but from what I can tell none of it works well. I haven't seen any OMG the sky is falling posts about this, so I must conclude that either no one is playing StarMade at this time, or I'm missing something (I hope it's the ladder). What am I doing wrong here?
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    Aug 14, 2017
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    I haven't seen any OMG the sky is falling posts about this, so I must conclude that either no one is playing StarMade at this time, or I'm missing something (I hope it's the ladder). What am I doing wrong here?
    1. People mostly fight each other and not Isanths - because fighting Isanths is boring. If they fight at all.
    2. Go to ship size seems to be around 30k mass. And they only get bigger.
    3. 30k mass ship shooting at Isanths with beams just deletes them.
    4. No one expects that AI would perform well or even perform at all.
    Jul 29, 2013
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    I get everything you're saying. Destroying small drones is almost impossible with turret AI.
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    Dec 16, 2013
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    Part of the point I'm making is this is the default enemy, likely the first thing a new player will go up against, and an experienced player is having difficulty dealing with them...

    I don't know about you guys but generally before I try multiplier, I try to learn the game first to give myself a chance in the event the game is filled with grues in multiplier (which many games are). So you know I can at least notice the grue that killed me :).
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    Aug 30, 2015
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    I agree with everything in the first post. When manually firing a 1000 block weapon I have trouble killing an isanth in any reasonable amount of time. I remember being able to kill them much quicker with much smaller weapons in the past.

    I haven't seen any OMG the sky is falling posts about this, so I must conclude that either no one is playing StarMade at this time, or I'm missing something (I hope it's the ladder). What am I doing wrong here?
    I feel like I ask myself this same question everyday. Every time a starmade update comes out, I feel obligated to try it out first before I post or like or do anything on the forums because I'm not sure how many people do that.
    Dec 16, 2013
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    Part of the point I'm making is this is the default enemy, likely the first thing a new player will go up against, and an experienced player is having difficulty dealing with them...

    I don't know about you guys but generally before I try multiplier, I try to learn the game first to give myself a chance in the event the game is filled with grues in multiplier (which many games are). So you know I can at least notice the grue that killed me :).
    Thinking about that statement more, it's a bit of a stretch. As one can take them out oneself. Though I find it sad that one can't setup anything automated that's very effective to destroy the Isanths.
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    Jul 1, 2013
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    A 29m diameter waffleboard cannon array. Technically, some of it has to hit sometime.

    But the fact thats the best viable option to get your ai turrets to deal with isanths in the current version just proves the point further that the ai needs serious work.
    Jul 29, 2013
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    So, besides the waffleboard, has anybody found any useful turret combinations for anti-fighter support?
    Jan 17, 2017
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    +1, can confirm accurate;
    - Once entering the 2.5km range AI strafes to the side
    - AI craft fire their weapons as soon as they see an enemy, making use of slow recharge weapons less useful.
    - AI cannot aim beam weapons against a target that is strafing (it always leads the target)
    - Cannon type weapons rarely hit targets at the range of 2.5km, unless the ai accuracy is set much higher than what's the default in the server config.

    On solo games, I typically crank the Ai accuracy up to 2-3000 or so; I find this to help a bit as far as making contact with a target. I don't think servers typically adjust this value, as turrets cannot hit anything moving more than 50m/s and straifing. On servers, I find myself ramming and orbiting an Isanth. There after I maintain a distance of about 400m at roughly 50 m/s; for turrets to land damage. (orbiting helps keep the Isanth from running all over the sector, ramming seems to 'confuse' the Ai or force it to break a pattern - not sure how to word it)
    *Rant engaged: In any event, turrets on servers I may avoid completely and keep those for solo... AMS are ineffective on or offline as far as I find - missiles don't need shields (like, dafuq), and cannon recoil is still.. a ridiculous mechanic. Shema, if you could build a ~3k ship and put it up on the docks; so the player base may witness why you believe these values and mechanics make sense, I believe that would be an important part of game development. should probably use the default cfg setting's or a fresh install. Do you even play the game? so confused. End rant*


    Eldrich Timelord
    Jan 16, 2014
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    So at present, I see the only way to destroy Isanths or other fighter like craft using the AI is to use one of the following strategies:
    - Destroy the craft at range with beams before they enter their 2.5km strafing zone. (overwhelming force)
    - Destroy the craft with rapidfire cannons. Either with overwhelming force (this needs to be pretty overwhelming too to at any reasonable amount of time) or use rapidfire cannons and wait a very long time.
    - Ignore the enemy fighers and use shield regen to make my ships immune to their weapons.

    ...None of these options seem like good ones... I've seen other threads complain about the being unable to destroy Isanths, and I've seen various advice on the matter, but from what I can tell none of it works well.
    Sounds about right. You can have large wafles of cannons, with different arrays at different reload speeds to lessen the all-or-nothing problem with them. Not a "fix" but it's a thing

    I haven't seen any OMG the sky is falling posts about this, so I must conclude that either no one is playing StarMade at this time...
    This is a valid conclusion.

    ...or I'm missing something (I hope it's the latter**). What am I doing wrong here?
    Fixed ** Ya know, cause words.

    You're expecting post-systems-2.0-starmade to act like a game instead of a voxel drawing tool. That's what you're doing wrong. It's not going to be a game again for at least another year IMHO.
    Jan 31, 2015
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    Yeah; turret/fighter AI is wrecked right now.

    I think they've done some very duck-tape style patches to it so it can use the new systems, but... there's a very good reason it is slated for a revamp during the next development cycle now that systems are in a relative stable format.

    I don't think you're doing anything wrong. The AI is just more broken than usual at the moment. Fingers crossed for a fix by Winter...

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Yeah; turret/fighter AI is wrecked right now.

    I think they've done some very duck-tape style patches to it so it can use the new systems, but... there's a very good reason it is slated for a revamp during the next development cycle now that systems are in a relative stable format.

    I don't think you're doing anything wrong. The AI is just more broken than usual at the moment. Fingers crossed for a fix by Winter...

    AI is is definitely broken. Even at point blank range AI turrets deliberately shoot away from the center of mass of the target and often away from any system blocks. I had a forward facing main cannon deliberately fire at a decorative antenna mast for over 5 minutes, missing almost every shot. Not due to lack of accuracy but due to missing deliberately.

    I also had the same gun stop firing at a ship immediately after its shields dropped. The turret refused to reengage the target until I completely closed down the game and relogged.
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