Bug AI Mobs Spawning Strangeness


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
    Reaction score
    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    So me and the Admin Fleche on FilleCraft are messing around with the mob spawning commands to see what's totally broken and run into something rather strange.

    First thing I noticed was a group of long lost Trading Guild Spawns just sitting there. Now if the AI was the only thing off I'd only be half as confused but for some reason the logic on the Loot Pinata of mine that was spawned in the bunch was also inactive when the ship was saved active. We went and checked and the BP still had active logic but the older TG spawn of it was dead in the water logic and all.

    Next up was something really strange, we're getting spawns in a impossible far out sector at datatype max for some reason. No clue why either it was a group of pirates and trading guild but sometimes just a stray AI mob or two will end up the billion lightyears out like that.
    Jan 16, 2015
    Reaction score
    I think this is just starmade for you.
    I'll be amazed when the AI isn't doing weird stuff :D

    Server we're on, admin managed to fix pirates to spawn and fight, but they still spawn at a random corner outside the pirate stations sector and nav range so you have to go hunting for them. (waves are glitching though, kind of stuck with the same fleet over and over)
    They for some reason disabled the trade guild because "they crash into planets", but you can spawn them still by shooting shops, same thing as the pirates, you have to fly around for miles until you find them, but unlike the pirates and they just sit there dead in the water, they kind of react in a half hearted if you shoot them but by that time they're generally dead lol. Not sure if it's the AI as it is, or the fact the guild is essentialy disabled by the admins.
    I also noticed the occasional pirate spawning amongst the trade ships also.

    Fingers crossed we get working AI fleets in a patch in the very near future. This game definitely needs it.

    With the trade guild ships you mentioned did they react at all if you shot them?