Age of Tyredon RP server!!!

    Sep 9, 2013
    Reaction score
    This server is all about RP! be anyone you want! a human to a creepy goo alien!

    This server is hamachi only so i will allow 13 people to join!!!

    Network name: AgeOfTyredon (case sensitive) (if this one is full, type AgeOfTyredon1)

    password: 1122


    NOW rules!!!!

    AIN'T NOBODY GOING TO BE MEAN ON THIS SERVER! (yes i'm southern, but I don't have an accent

    X D)

    This includes blowing up someone just to take their blocks.

    in this RP you might start a war or something. but dont fight with the people you are not warring with!

    Factions are cool! do it!

    thank you and have a good day!!! :)