Advanced Repair

    Apr 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    The repair gun, while very effective at healing blocks that have been damaged, is ineffective in terms of making ships solely for repair. There are sole salvage ships. Sole capital and fighter ships, but sole repair ships are not very commonly made.

    A solution to this 'healer' role would be an advanced repair gun. The repair gun would funnel resources from the players inventory, repairing the ship it is firing upon by placing the blocks in the correct position that the blueprint generates. If a resource is not in the players inventory, the damaged (empty) block on the ship remains unrepaired (empty) and the gun will not change on that block.

    However, if the gun moves to the left, hits upon where there was formerly a Black Hardened Hull and the player has one in his inventory, the Black Hardened Hull is replaced. (Speed for this gun could be upgraded, allowing for scaling of the weapon in the same terms as the salvage cannon.) This gun could not place blocks, or create new ships. It can only refill ships (blueprints) that are missing parts.

    I hope everyone likes this idea. :3
    Mar 30, 2013
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    This is what i was hoping repair guns did when i first tryed the game out, so that i could be a \'healer\' of sorts to supplement the fighting ships.
    Sep 21, 2012
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    Ehhh... it is a nice idea. But in my opinion I just dont like the whole repairing in battle thing. You should have to go to a station to repair or something. Or on a smaller scale in a fighter bay, fighters land to repair in a ship hangar then get back out to fight.
    Mar 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    Unless the way damage and hull blocks work is retooled in the future greatly, which i assume it will be, big ships would have to have people just sitting in build mode to constantly slap new bricks on, which would not be an advantageous situation, and having repair ships in a fleet that can replace blocks on the fly makes battles more interesting and adds a role to the battlefield.

    Small ships wouldn\'t be priority because the big ships with docking bays would hopefully repair bays for them.

    Healer ships would also be a juicy target to the enemy, seeing as killing them makes killing the enemy fleet a bit easier.

    Of course, block replacing beams would have to have some restrictions/diminishing returns so that you can\'t just have a fleet with two massive repair ships repairing everyone else and each other constantly.

    Schema did state in the thread on my replacer module idea that he will put repair functions on docking modules in stations, so we will probably not see a block replacing beam in the game anyhow, although it makes me wonder how he is going to enhance the usefulness of the current repair beam with blocks getting obliterated in the current system once shields are down.
    Apr 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Perhaps to avoid that, the repair bots could function on a turret base, and only be mounted on stations. That way your ship has to go back to a station to use this advanced repair module.
    Apr 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I just read which makes this all sort of a moot point.

    The same idea is outlined there, but more defined and better to fit in with the game. I repeal my idea~
    Apr 4, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    It\'s a good idea but the way you suggest it should work would be slightly problematic =O

    SInce it repairs and replace only blocks that have been touched by the ray, it wouldn\'t allow any \"deep\" repairs. If the missing block is hiddent or if the reparations haven\'t been performed one layer at a time.
    Apr 13, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    There\'s a seperate thread on the construction module, which sounds very similar but less problematic than the idea here.

    Ship healing isn\'t terribly meaningful as there is very little difference between a damaged module and a vaporized one. Perhaps if ships had a more overarching health system it would be more helpful.