Advanced PlexDoors

    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    This is my first time doing a suggestion so blame me if i do anything wrong.

    Advanced plex doors can be crafted or bought at the shop and work as normal plexdoors tough have more functions, only the owner of the door can edit its functions

    List of functions:

    Normal - These plex doors will work normally like any plexdoor

    Fingerscan - For in multiplayer. the owner of the door can choose who gets access to the door and who doesn't

    Lockdown - The door will be locked and nobody, not even the owner can open it

    Automatic - This will automate the door to switch functions under certain conditions
    For example: When Shields are below 50% Door will turn to Fingerscan mode (for the registered users on that door to open)

    And how to install these automatic functions will look like this:
    When *CHOICE 1* Condition(s) are met then Door will *CHOICE 2* For *CHOICE 3*
    Conditions: *CHOICE 4* *CHOICE 5(optional)*
    *Choice 1 will Define how many conditions are to be met before the advanced plexdoor will provide an action
    *Choice 2 Will Define what action the door will operate when conditions are met.
    Possible choices are:
    Open plexdoor
    Close plexdoor
    Change plexdoor mode to Normal
    Change plexdoor mode to Fingerscan
    Change plexdoor mode to lockdown
    Destroy plexdoor

    *Choice 3 Defines for how many seconds this door will do the effect
    For example when activated it will go on lockdown for 5 seconds then go back to normal.
    If not used it will do that forever

    *Choice 4 is the condition that is to be met to operate the door.
    The conditions available are:
    When Core HP is Below/Above **% (*)
    When Shield HP is Below/Above **% (*)
    When being attacked by *SUB-CHOICE 4-1*
    When being attacked
    When not being attacked by *SUB-CHOICE 4-1*
    When *SUB-CHOICE 4-2* is activated
    When This door is closed
    When This door is opened
    When this doors mode is on Normal
    When this doors mode is on Fingerscan
    When this doors mode is on Lockdown
    When *SUB-CHOICE 4-3* interacts with this door
    When Door has not been opened for ** Seconds (*)
    When Door has not been closed for ** Seconds (*)

    (*) On the place of the ** there is supposed to be a number
    *Sub-choice 4-1: To define wich faction attacks you example: When being attacked by Traders Guild
    *Sub-choice 4-2: When a certain machine or door in this spaceship is pressed R on. Example: When Gravity Module is activated
    *Sub-choice 4-3: When a certain person operates this door Exaple: When Schema interacts with this door

    *Choice 5 is only appearing when multiple conditions are selected

    Tell me what you think
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Automatic doors! Brilliant!
    But they lose their purpose if they don\'t detect foes from enemies.

    Easier solution than detection to code and manage: A door control module (say, on the bridge of the ship) which \"Locks\" all doors. Or, perhaps a \"password input\" block to be placed connected to a door in order to opening it.

    I think none of thos star trek replicas in the game will be true without the two guys pulling the doors open automatically everytime you walk through
    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Automatic doors! Brilliant!
    But they lose their purpose if they don\'t detect foes from enemies.

    Easier solution than detection to code and manage: A door control module (say, on the bridge of the ship) which \"Locks\" all doors. Or, perhaps a \"password input\" block to be placed connected to a door in order to opening it.

    I think none of thos star trek replicas in the game will be true without the two guys pulling the doors open automatically everytime you walk through

    well the foes of enemies... that will lead to he foe of the foe of the foe of the foe of the foe of the enemy of the foe eventually maybe leading to yourself. but i think the Coding like in my original suggestion should be regular and your idea to be an expansion (or as the game calls it an enhancer) but the passwod input. wouldnt that (its only theoretical. dont take it too seriously) to griefing or stalking people for the passwords?
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    sounds awesome, i like the automatic and fingerscan thing, but just seems overly complicated.
    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    well its because its not on a GUI currently. it looks much easier in my mind.

    Tough once you know how to work with conditions and actions tied to those its really easy
    Jun 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    Sounds great and gives more ship-protection!

    Bring it on baby :D want this in the game
    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen

    Sounds great and gives more ship-protection!

    Bring it on baby :D want this in the game

    Then i guess this is more of a \"Last resort\" for when the faction module dies.

    Also another idea comes in mind. what if a door will open/close when a certain SHIP comes close? like when my ship comes close the doors will open allowing my ship to land. but if a different ship (like pirates) come close then it won\'t open.