advanced locic blocks

    Jan 24, 2015
    Reaction score
    so i must admit i haven't played that long only a week or two but still
    i've had some nice ideas to use on a ship but i can't because the game doesn't funtion in that way (yet)
    so now i'm here to make a few sugjestions

    first of all advanced logic
    well i'm not sure if advanced is the correct word but at least it would be more advanced then what we currently have
    -first off, a relay then is placed between an activation block and whatever is should be activating to prevent manual activation of that block, so only your logic block can activate it

    -secondly a block that you can use to activate a logic system you've build but from your hotbar while flying
    when used together with the previous block you could use it to seal off runways, docking bays or other entrances to your station/ship without leaving the core, afterall when a fight starts you won't have time to go out of the core to close those things

    -third (and i know someone else sugjested it as well) a remote controle, but then something to use while in flight, the station would need a reciever block ofcourse but this could be used to open a hangarbay from a friendly station remotly, this could work with either a frequenty or a player/password combination though i would sugjest aiming at the reciever is required to avoid to many things activating at the same time

    -fourth, turret switch, a way to turn turrets on and off, in itself this might not make much sense but could be usefull in combination with the second block on this list, (just think, a large ship with a pretty flat hull, no turrets in sight, but once you attack shutters all over the hull open revealing turret bays), right now turrets can't rely on the ships shields but require their own shield, wich is fine as it makes you chose between strong fragile or weak sturdy turrets. you could put the turrets inside your ship but then they either can't fire on enemy's unless they blow a hole in the hull of the ship, however with a turret switch you could hide the turrets and only activate them after blast doors have opened giving them a free line of sight

    thanks for reading, hope you like the sugjestions and i'm sorry if i used bad spelling
    btw feel free to add constructive critisism
    May 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 7
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    You can trigger activators by shooting them with the docking beam, that's sort of like the receiver idea.

    You can link plexdoors to activators to cover turrets when not in use - though I have no idea how effective this actually is.

    Logic activator on your hotbar is abusable as a 'fire all weapons' spam trigger, hence why it isn't a thing currently.

    I'm all for the Relay block, I'm sick of being able to break airlocks by touching the plexdoors.


    Jan 19, 2014
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    • Wired for Logic Gold
    • Thinking Positive
    The thing about fire all weapons is that it costs a ton of power anyways, so it wouldn't really be abuse.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    • Railman Gold
    • Thinking Positive
    The thing about fire all weapons is that it costs a ton of power anyways, so it wouldn't really be abuse.
    Yes and no, isn't there a power cost increase for using multiple groups on a computer (+10%-ish?) to make effects more appealing? Then again it is non-aim-able, so who knows.


    Jan 19, 2014
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    • Wired for Logic Gold
    • Thinking Positive
    Yes, but it is non aimable, as you stated. It's entirely locked to the hull.
    Jan 29, 2015
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    I've only been playing for a short time (about a week) and I already was wondering why you can't activate logic from the hotbar. I guess it encourages you to have an actual crew, but for single-player feels really limiting. I do get from reading the forums that if anything weapons are OP as opposed to shielding, so the devs not wanting to strengthen weapons in any way makes sense... what about having logic linked to a weapons system being associated with a massive power cost, like adding 50% of weapons power use? Anything to discourage logic being used with weapons while still allowing things like covering up some turrets or opening/closing bays.