Admin Power!

    Jul 30, 2013
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    All these other ideas are wonderful for ingame fun, and sp/mp mechanics, but there are some glaring inadequacies with Administrative tools in Starmade that need to be fleshed out first and foremost, in my opinion. A list:

    1. Admins should not be limited to the same restrictions that affect other players on the server such as ship importing permissions and manipulation of other players faction property.

    2. We desperately need a "creative mode" interface to more easily call up blocks into our admin inventories and interchange materials quickly without having to /giveid ourselves and destroy items that we have to drop into space to make room for more.

    3. Server/Admin owned property needs to have it's own set of protections so that we (as admins) can build structures that other players can interact with (doors, docking points) without allowing them to edit.

    4. As an Admin, one should not have to do EVERYTHING with commands. An Admin shouldn't be a player that can use commands, it should be an OP player who can bypass anything and everything WITHOUT the need for commands. The OP Admin should be able to override faction blocks, commandeer occupied ship cores, and take over any structure simply by pressing "R" on the core/build block. The OP Admin should be able to access anything and everything regardless of it's faction orientation.

    5. Some commands are necessary, but we don't have those yet. Mainly:

    • /god - God Mode.
    • /noclip - Would work as if inside a building block.
    • /invsee (name) - View the inventory of another player on your server.
    • /control_player (name) - Take control of a player for all intents and purposes.
    • /invisible - become invisible (as an astronaut or as the ship your are flying)

    I hope all the other admins see this topic and keep it at the top so these changes take priority and we can take control of our servers! Thanks for reading :)
    Jun 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    This game is still in alpha testing. People who play are testers.
    Jul 30, 2013
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    What I meant is that it seems like the features I\'ve mentioned would have been much easier to implement along the way at earlier stages of development rather than have to go back and add them.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Idea 1) This would take time out of current projects and enforce rules into temp code to make special conditions for every block. This is annoying and not needed when whole sections of the code are being added or removed per update. These were done as Mods and Plugins for MC, not the base game, am I mistaken?

    Idea 2) Why bother? It is not important. It is a nice MOD not something base game needs to support. This sounds like a MC reference so just wait til someone makes a SM version of NEI.

    Idea 3) This would make a good MOD. This is something that works outside general mechanics are built around. These were done as Mods and Plugins for MC, not the base game, am I mistaken?

    Idea 4) TP is test code which is most likely to be scrapped for something else as likely it is kept and tweaked.

    Idea 5) Admins can already set prices of items. If you are asking for a config to turn off economic change, please be more clear.

    Always remember, this is Alpha. Anything and litterally everything is on the chopping board to be cut out, gutted or completely changed. Nothing in game now is garenteed to be the same once the game is released unless said so by Schema.
    Jul 30, 2013
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    If there are already mechanics built into the game triggering different block permissions per factions, then why can\'t there just be another that pertains to administrators? And yes, some of these features were implemented in minecraft via plugins, but there are many features already in Starmade that were only brought into MC through plugins, so forgive me for continuing the ambition there. I\'m no java expert, so some of the things you mentioned are over my head. I just know that I\'m strugging a LOT more to manage the game from an admin standpoint than I ever was at playing the game as a player. I can\'t effectively build structures (docking bays, trade containers, server showpieces, etc) that are \"server owned\" ... the best I can do is create an admin faction and hope nobody declares war on it and wrecks everything over night. With all the admin commands that did get implemented, how was something as important as that overlooked?

    Also, I looked through the configs and other files in the server folder, as well as searched online for ways to adjust the shop prices, and found nothing. Can you point me in the right direction?

    Also there\'s this guy Trollerbobman who keeps trying to eat my feces, but I mean that\'s just gross. I noticed he isn\'t after you, what\'s your secret? :P
    Jun 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Why don\'t you tell me exactly what you want to do rather than be vague and random requests for different things to do.

    If you are worried about being declaired war on and attack, set up massive turrets which you can spawn in, look up the name the Thunderclap, it does 1.3 Million DPS, so add on 6 or more to your station that protects spawn if you don\'t want to protect the sector. If you don\'t want any fighting, use the admin commands and protect the sector so that noone can take damage.

    If someone is being a troll, use the delete command on their ship and IP ban them.

    If you want show pieces make a faction and have it as a faction home base, so no one can damage it or effect it at all outside of \'Server Staff\'. It was \'overlooked\' because it is a minor thing that if added would be one of the last things added because it doesn\'t have a use in the general game.

    You can edit prices by going to the block editor where you can change price and even the block stats if you like.
    Jul 30, 2013
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    Hey, sorry it\'s been a while since I replied to this post, but I\'ve encountered a few specific issues with the current limitations to help you see why I\'m so interested in having the OP Admin concept implemented.

    Issue #1 - A player steals a ship from another player, and I want to give it back. But I can\'t, because the thief activated a faction module on it. I think I could just change my faction to theirs with the admin command, but what would that mean for the \"server\" faction that I\'m currently leader of? It shouldn\'t be any more complicated than me just getting in the ship regardless of it\'s faction tag, right? I am the Admin after all. But no ...

    Issue #2 - As Admin, I want to be able to seamlessly import and edit the ships being used by pirates, traders, etc. On my server, I don\'t allow blueprints to keep everthing original and unique to the server. This poses an issue when I want to upload ships, because I\'m limited to the same settings as a normal player. I don\'t understand how this is the norm. I operate on a remotely administrated server that I can\'t (for security reasons) have file access to, so the inconvenience of having to wait on my system admin to import files, edit configs, and make other changes already drives me nuts. The fact that none of these things have been streamlined to be dealt with by the Admin role in-game just seems long overdue.

    In a nutshell, it seems like the Admin role in Starmade (as it stands) means nothing more than being a normal player who can execute \"admin commands\". We need full control. We need god mode. We need faction and catalog limitation exemption. It\'s so necessary for so many reasons. Please Schema, make it happen!
    Dec 30, 2012
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    Issue #1: Select that ship, do /start_ship_ai 0 (this will remove faction protection) and kick the player (to get him out of the ship). the ship ai command won\'t work properly to protect a ship, but it will unlock stuff.

    Issue #2: The blueprint does uploads/appears in the server files, but not on the catalog (at least it normally does), so you can\'t see it, but you can always do /load blueprintname in-gamename to get it, as well as setting Mobs to use blueprints by default, whenever you can access the .cfg files...

    And you are right on the rest, especially the one to have \"Admin builds\" where players no matter the faction/factionless can freely use those builds (for example a server spawn station) without being allowed to actually edit it, shoot it out, steal blocks, etc.
    Aug 1, 2013
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    Nootau, all you seem to do is go from suggestion to suggestion and say \"why do this\" \"there is no need\" \"the game already does that with xxx workaround\" \"the game doesn\'t do that for a reason\" \"this is useless\" \"this is a waste of dev time\" . Are you trolling, or do you honestly believe that all features past the original concept a couple years ago are useless and are in no need

    Admins actually being admins is very necessary. Being in alpha has nothing to do with that. Not having the same restrictions as the usual players allows you to perform admin duties effectively. Using semi-effective workarounds does not solve any problems, they are temporary solutions to an issue that will eventually need to be properly sorted out.

    And with no mod support, what is the use of saying these things should be confined to mods/plugins when servers cannot actually properly use them yet with little news on if they will ever be supported? If there WAS mod support, most of these issues/suggestions would already be solved, and would not be littering the forum. But if there is no mod support, it is expected that the developer do all of it since we cannot. Mod support would be a top notch way to simplify and clean a lot of these issues up.
    Jul 30, 2013
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    So, in the last few upates there have been quite a few commands to address some of the issues I addressed in my original post, so I added a 4th point (which really just emphasizes the first), saying that commands don\'t make the Admin player OP, they just make them a player who can use commands. Still some improvements to be made here.
    Dec 31, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    • Purchased!
    But creative mode is in minecraft by default...