Admin Command List (/) and (//) ?

    Mar 7, 2015
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    For Admins I pulled this list out of the game logs and I know it has been done before, but the official Schema one is not complete and the post is locked.
    Game v0.1932

    I am not sure what the first column means (was in the logs), but left in any way as programmers might know what it means and give me an answer.

    Still, as an example try
    The game will then tell you what is missing.
    You can then add the missing bits, such as
    /change_sector 2 2 2

    Also, did you know there are // commands?
    Try // then press TAB to auto complete to see.
    I could not seem to capture the text anywhere and there is no copy ability it seems in the game chat window.

    Remember pressing TAB auto completes commands and people's names.
    /a then press TAB will give you all the slash commands beginning with "a".
    and on my server if I am online
    rand then TAB, will autocomplete to RandomEvent

    ? Slash (/) Admin Commands
    -1 add_admin
    -1 add_admin_denied_comand
    3 ban
    -1 ban_account
    -1 ban_account_by_playername
    -1 ban_ip
    -1 ban_ip_by_playername
    -1 ban_no_kick
    -1 ban_reason
    -1 break_ship
    -1 change_sector
    -1 change_sector_copy
    -1 change_sector_for
    -1 change_sector_for_copy
    -1 change_sector_for_uid
    -1 change_sector_selected
    -1 clear_overheating
    -1 clear_overheating_all
    -1 clear_system_ship_spawns
    -1 clear_system_ship_spawns_all
    -1 create_spawner_test
    -1 create_trade_party
    -1 creature_animation_start
    -1 creature_animation_stop
    -1 creature_enter_gravity
    -1 creature_goto
    -1 creature_idle
    -1 creature_rename
    -1 creature_roam
    -1 creature_script
    -1 creature_sit
    -1 creature_stand_up
    -1 cubatom_random_fill
    -1 daytime
    -1 debug_fsm_info
    -1 debug_id
    -1 decay
    -1 delay_save
    -1 despawn_all
    -1 despawn_sector
    -1 destroy_entity
    -1 destroy_entity_dock
    -1 destroy_entity_only_dock
    -1 destroy_uid
    -1 destroy_uid_docked
    -1 entity_reboot
    -1 entity_repair_armor
    -1 entity_set_armor_hp_percent
    -1 entity_set_structure_hp_percent
    -1 execute_entity_effect
    -1 explode_planet_sector
    -1 explode_planet_sector_not_core
    -1 export_sector
    -1 export_sector_bulk
    -1 faction_add_member
    -1 faction_check
    -1 faction_create
    -1 faction_create_amount
    -1 faction_create_as
    -1 faction_del_member
    -1 faction_delete
    -1 faction_edit
    -1 faction_join_id
    -1 faction_list
    -1 faction_list_members
    -1 faction_mod_member
    -1 faction_mod_relation
    -1 faction_point_add
    -1 faction_point_get
    -1 faction_point_protect_player
    -1 faction_point_set
    -1 faction_point_turn
    -1 faction_reinstitute
    -1 faction_reset_activity
    -1 faction_set_all_relations
    -1 faction_set_entity
    -1 faction_set_id_member
    -1 force_save
    -1 gate_dest
    4 give
    -1 give_all_items
    -1 give_category_items
    -1 give_credits
    -1 give_grapple_item
    -1 give_grapple_item_op
    -1 give_heal_weapon
    -1 give_laser_weapon
    -1 give_laser_weapon_op
    -1 give_look
    -1 give_marker_weapon
    -1 give_metaitem
    -1 give_power_supply_weapon
    -1 give_recipe
    -1 give_rocket_launcher_op
    -1 give_rocket_launcher_test
    -1 give_rocket_launcher_weapon
    -1 give_slot
    -1 give_sniper_weapon
    -1 give_sniper_weapon_op
    -1 give_torch_weapon
    -1 give_torch_weapon_op
    -1 giveid
    -1 god_mode
    -1 ignore_docking_area
    -1 import_sector
    -1 import_sector_bulk
    -1 initiate_wave
    -1 invisibility_mode
    4 jump
    4 kick
    -1 kick_reason
    -1 kill_character
    -1 last_changed
    -1 list_admin_denied_commands
    -1 list_admins
    -1 list_banned_accounts
    -1 list_banned_ip
    -1 list_banned_name
    -1 list_control_units
    -1 list_ships
    -1 list_whitelist_accounts
    -1 list_whitelist_ip
    -1 list_whitelist_name
    4 load
    -1 load_sector_range
    -1 load_system
    -1 missile_defense_friendly_fire
    -1 player_info
    -1 player_list
    -1 player_protect
    -1 player_unprotect
    -1 populate_sector
    -1 power_drain
    -1 power_outage
    -1 power_regen
    -1 refresh_server_msg
    -1 remove_admin
    -1 remove_admin_denied_comand
    -1 remove_spawners
    -1 repair_sector
    -1 restruct_aabb
    4 save
    -1 save_uid
    -1 search
    -1 sector_chmod
    -1 sector_info
    -1 sector_size
    -1 server_message_broadcast
    -1 server_message_to
    -1 set_debug_mode
    -1 set_global_spawn
    -1 set_spawn
    -1 set_spawn_player
    -1 shield_damage
    -1 shield_outage
    -1 shield_regen
    -1 ship_info_name
    -1 ship_info_selected
    -1 ship_info_uid
    -1 shop_infinite
    -1 shop_restock
    -1 shop_restock_full
    -1 shop_restock_full_uid
    -1 shop_restock_uid
    -1 shutdown
    -1 simulation_ai_enable
    -1 simulation_invoke
    -1 simulation_spawn_delay
    -1 spawn_creature
    -1 spawn_creature_mass
    -1 spawn_entity
    -1 spawn_entity_pos
    -1 spawn_item
    -1 spawn_mobs
    -1 spawn_mobs_line
    -1 spawn_particle
    -1 start_countdown
    -1 start_ship_ai
    -1 status
    -1 stop_ship_ai
    -1 structure_set_minable
    -1 structure_set_vulnerable
    -1 teleport_selected_to
    -1 teleport_self_home
    -1 teleport_self_to
    -1 teleport_to
    -1 teleport_uid_to
    -1 territory_make_unclaimable
    -1 territory_reset
    4 tint
    -1 tint_name
    2 tp
    -1 tp_to
    -1 unban_ip
    -1 unban_name
    -1 update_shop_prices
    -1 whitelist_account
    -1 whitelist_activate
    -1 whitelist_ip
    -1 whitelist_name

    Mar 7, 2015
    Reaction score
    • Purchased!
    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    I can no longer update this list as the server logs do not seem to report all that I see in the in-game chat screens anymore.
    Is there anyway I can get all the admin commands to display?
    Is there a way to turn on more verbose logging?