Adding gyroscope blocks to improve turning and rotating

    Jun 27, 2013
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    My idea is to use gyroscope blocks to improve the ship's capability to turn and rotate. When conected, the blocks would be seen by the game as one bigger gyroscope. the bigger the gyroscope, the faster is the rotational speed while the more gyroscopes there are, the faster is the turning speed.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    Gyroscope resist changes to orientation, not make them easier. How would this idea work?
    Jul 28, 2013
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    just like you have thrusters to increase the speed of your ship traveling in one direction, you should have a second set to help push the ship in another direction. this will help the ship turn on its axis and move better when rotating.
    Jul 28, 2013
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    i agree with what pfriedel is trying to say and was just offering a way to do it. either way, a way to make ships easier to turn is a must for this game.
    Jul 14, 2013
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    a gyroscope can be used to turn something i think, if it has a lot of mass and you turn it in the directionyou want to turn, it should help you turn faster, it would be cool if you actualy had to build a sphere connected to 6 blocks that hold it in place magneticly but also could make the sphere rotate
    Aug 24, 2013
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    A gyroscope resists changing orientation, so if you push against it in an effort to turn it it pushes back thus moving you opposite to the force you applied to the gyroscope. But you would have to have the gyro in the center of the ship so you could swivel around it. You could get rather exacting and such with it, but I think thrusters or mass/thrust ratio instead of just mass would work more easily for noobs, and lazy people.

    If you want to read my idea for mass/thrust continue reading, otherwise enjoy scrolling past a wall of text.

    A simple way to improve turning mechanics may be to simply change from using total mass to mass/thrust in the turn speed calculation. Obviously some tweaking in the code would need to be done to use this smaller number but that should be simple. Thrusters have diminishing returns as far as I can tell so while using mass/thrust super massive ships shouldn\'t ever be able to be as maneuverable as much smaller ships.

    With this system you could add more engines, upping your thrust, to increase turn rate. Or you could choose to be more powerful in other ways.

    A more complicated calculation should be used so \"fighters/bombers\" turn faster even with an equivalent mass/thrust ratio to a \"titan\". For example my current fighter is 147.5 mass (not counting turrets, I\'m not sure if they add to the total mass) and it has 204 thrust so that ratio is .723. With the current system it takes ~25 seconds for this ship to do a 360. I\'d like that to be around 10 seconds I think (I\'d need to play with it, but with this system a ship could be easily customized to turn at a rate you like, within reason). However if a ship had 72303 mass and 10,000 thrust it would also have a .723 mass/thrust ratio; but it shouldn\'t be able to turn as fast as the fighter, so some sort of consideration must be taken to prevent titans from turning like fighters.

    Maybe a tier system: 0-300 mass = fighter, 301-600 = bomber and so on, each with it\'s own configurable speed multiplier. These are totally off the top of my head so feel free to suggest different tiers, or make them configurable (I love messing with config files). So a \"fighter\" could have a tier rating of 1 giving a calculation of (147.5/204)*1 so a .723 ratio. Whereas the \"titan\" could have a tier rating of .5 giving a calculation of (72303/10000)*.5 equaling a .3615 ratio. Then maybe make the ratio be 36 degrees per second * the ratio, giving my \"fighter\" a turn rate of 26.028 degrees per second. That would make it take ~14 seconds to turn 360 degrees. The \"titan\" would therefore turn at 13 degrees per second or one rotation per 28 seconds (that seems fast, maybe make the tier smaller?). Again, these are off the top of my head number that seem to work so if you have better ideas I\'m open to suggestions.

    Edit: I\'m a derp, this only works if thrust>mass, would someone fix my math, while I go study for my trig test because I obviously need to >.>

    I also saw a suggestion to make engines configurable like weapons, which I thought was spiffy.

    And I saw a post about ships not naturally being able to reach the speed limit of the server, instead blocks are needed which increase the maximum possible speed up to the speed limit depending on mass and how many of the blocks you have.

    tldr: mass/thrust is spiffy
    Jul 16, 2013
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    I\'m pretty sure what you\'re thinking of is a Moment Control Gyro.