Added AI Capabilities And Block Repair

    Aug 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    First Point: AI Repair and Salvage

    I noticed during my drone experimentation that you cant make a drone that salvages or one that repairs. I imagine these feature may be planned, but I'd like to highlight them anyway. Schema should add a function to drones/turrets that allows them to salvage blocks inside of a set area(x,y,z coordinate area) and have drones/turrets be able to mount AstroTechnician computer and beams to repair damaged blocks automatically.

    Next point: Block Replacement/Repair

    Everyone who has been attacked and had blocks shot off knows how annoying it is to painstakingly replace all of the blocks that have been destroyed in an attack. I propose a feature that involves both automatic block replacement and the catalog. Once you save your ship in the catalog you can enter the blueprint into a block that can replace any blocks that are present in the blueprint but not in the current state of the ship. This would effectively repair any lost blocks, to make it balanced you should have to provide any and all blocks that were lost to the replacer and also provide power.