Add this joker to your ban list

    Aug 18, 2013
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    Maybe this isn't allowed, but it seems to me that other admins would want to know about a player that is nothing but a troll. So I submit to you Starmade registry account "Kvwest".

    Asked to join my servers biggest faction, found where they had left a critical permission open, and proceeded to give all their money away, steal their resources, unprotected their home base and declared war on all the other server factions. I guess in the end, their fault because of permissions, but still, it is a jerk move to exploit the mistake.

    2016/08/21 - 22:15:07 [Kvwest]: how are you selina?
    2016/08/21 - 22:15:14 [ArcticFox72]: What?
    2016/08/21 - 22:15:19 [Kvwest]: are you at the faction home?
    2016/08/21 - 22:15:51 [Selina_Wish]: hmmmm
    2016/08/21 - 22:15:59 [Kvwest]: ive taken the pleasure of moving all of the stored resources onto my ship and have sent it into the black hole  network
    2016/08/21 - 22:16:35 [Kvwest]: i also emptied the credits from the shop
    2016/08/21 - 22:16:46 [Kvwest]: they are broken right now, it was very easy
    2016/08/21 - 22:16:51 [ArcticFox72]: How does one?
    2016/08/21 - 22:17:16 [Selina_Wish]: now thats odd
    2016/08/21 - 22:17:31 [Selina_Wish]: quite since that should be impossible for a 4th rank as yourself
    2016/08/21 - 22:17:41 [Selina_Wish]: when i invited you
    2016/08/21 - 22:17:57 [Kvwest]: you left the edit faction rank permissions turned on for all ranks
    2016/08/21 - 22:18:11 [ArcticFox72]: Still shouldn't abuse it
    2016/08/21 - 22:18:11 [Kvwest]: i just editied my rank's permissions
    2016/08/21 - 22:18:28 [Kvwest]: but it's soooooooooooo funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
    Last edited:


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Welcome to the internet. people are sometimes pricks.

    They can also change their name... so yeah... no.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    If you know their registry account sure, but you've not shared that with us. And doesn't ruleout alt registry accounts

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    This is a perfect example of why I tend to play StarMade solo, and failing that, I stick with a small close knit group of people who I personally know.

    The are too many idiots trying to mess up someone's day for no other reason than because their own lives are lame.

    Recruit wisely, ladies and gentlemen.
    Feb 16, 2014
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    What exactly did he do wrong? He didn't exploit anything. The faction leadership was inept and left the faction permissions to all.
    Oct 12, 2015
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    Is this guy a grade A douchebag? Yes. Should this be a bannable offense? Personally I don't think so. It is up to the faction owners to secure thier permissions and property in order to prevent such occurences, and in the event of such an occurence, it is the responsibility of the victim to seek revenge. Admins should only intervene in the event of a threat to server stability or when drama between persons spills out into public chat. Otherwise, as Dan Deacon said, "Not my chair, not my problem."
    [doublepost=1472567550,1472566501][/doublepost]Addendum: Regarding a "ban list" I wouldnt be opposed to such a list. I however would use it as more of an internal list to track individuals who may have the potential to be a public nuisance. Such a list should only be shared among server admins and never be made public.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Legal or not, I think the key point here is that crappy behavior like this has a tendency to make faction play unappealing to some. It sets the expectation that if you trust anyone, that you're gonna get screwed. This is why single-player factions are so popular. Having friends on your side is fun but to have your faction burned to the ground just for being friendly to strangers is a bit too extreme for my taste.

    No offense, but this is why I left LvD (and avoided several other servers); I didn't want to risk what might happen if I tried to adhere to a 3-player faction rule.
    Aug 18, 2013
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    Legal or not, I think the key point here is that crappy behavior like this has a tendency to make faction play unappealing to some. It sets the expectation that if you trust anyone, that you're gonna get screwed. This is why single-player factions are so popular. Having friends on your side is fun but to have your faction burned to the ground just for being friendly to strangers is a bit too extreme for my taste.

    No offense, but this is why I left LvD (and avoided several other servers); I didn't want to risk what might happen if I tried to adhere to a 3-player faction rule.
    I agree. Even if it was truly just a permissions screw up (which it may not have been...more on that in a second), the fact the the person is willing to exploit that fact tells me that I don't want them on my server. I fully realize that others may take a different view, but to me a troll is a troll, even if you left the door open to them.

    This all happened while I was on vacation so I'm having to piece together the story, but the faction leader (NTIMESc) and his second in command are pretty adamant that permissions were set properly, and instead they think there is some kind of "bug" that allowed him to setup an auto-pull from their storage to his ship, bypassing the faction permission module (which doesn't to me explain how he did all the war declaring and home-base unb-protecting...)

    Either way, not someone I want on my server, and I figured there would be other admins that felt the same way.
    Oct 12, 2015
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    Don't get me wrong, if there was a confidential list of troublemakers shared among server admins I would happily contribute to and use it. Though each server is going to operate under a different philosophy and cater to different parts of the community. While one server might decide to outright ban someone, another may not. Regardless of how server owners and admins run their servers, dialog between them could be a beneficial thing.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    My guess they screwed up their permissions on the ranks themselves or forgot something elsewhere. This is also the very reason I encourage my faction members to build their own bases and also HQ has next to nil around unless I'm working on something or new players are in the faction. Also having a crapton of fleet miners tends to help when you mine a 3^3 area all at once. XD

    That said they way he got their resources was likely turning off the pull on the main station and on the pull for his ship. As for unfactioning things, that is as simple as a torch in the lower ranks and the reason I have the bottom two ranks set to Kick on Friendly Fire. :) Oh and a metric-ton of AP turrets scattered about the insides of the stations and ships tends to help.