Add light controls to structure menu + keybinds

    Jan 22, 2014
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    It's more or less the same suggestion like my keybinds for plexdoors thread.

    Make plexlights form groups to adjacent plexlights, like plexdoor-mechanics.

    Then define ~3 groups of lights, that you can preselect in the structure menu and keybind them.

    Voila, switchable external position lights, external floodlights, landing lights and similar.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Adding this to the front because this turned into me rambling about the sturcture panel rather than just lights

    The structure panel should have a seperate window for programming scripts in Lua. Each light grouping can be called and turned on and off, and the enviroment could allow for creating virtual weapon comps, so that we can set keybinds. Then we could have some programs that wait for an event, such as sheilds.impact and then you could have the ship direct power from thrusters and direct it towards reinforcing the shields and buffing the weapons.

    When you then save a ships blueprint, any programs and settings tied to the programs, such as \"always running\" or \"only run when player in core\" or \"only run when core empty\", can be saved with it.

    Now lua is in the game, so much more is possible for ship and station control.
    Jan 22, 2014
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    Well I thought more about just giving the plexlights the same mechanics, that plexdoors have.

    Auto-grouping, and the group showing up in the structure menu + keybind-idea.

    Turn off one block manually, all adjacent blocks go off (group)

    The group could be opened in the structure menu and you would see the same on/off (open/close) buttons like with the plexdoors, including the little drop-down-menu, to bind this specific group to one of the user-definable function keys (hotkeys?)