Actual cloakable ships

    do you want cloaker to use less power?

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      Votes: 10 76.9%
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      Votes: 3 23.1%

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    Mar 18, 2015
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    Old idea:
    At the moment cloakable ships are always thrashy you can't expect any interrior or outside hull
    it would be nice to be able to make decent cloakable ship lets say -30 meters if its 80% power blocks
    and also make 5-10 meters ships cloakable so we can make ships like puddle jumpers

    well what I basicly ask is a cloaker update to make it use 1/3 or 1/2 power it uses today and maybe also a jammer nerf (for now you can jam +100 meters ships easily)

    I also think it will affects ship varieties in a good way, for now you just need a salvager and a huge war ship, there is no actual use for smaller ships (heat seeking are op against smaller ships) and fighters deals no damage at all, since shield recharge isn't halved...

    my new idea:
    make the cloaker as an effect for the ship like jump drive, and you increase the ratio with the mass (ratio = effect blocks / total blocks)
    so on very small ship (10-20 meters) you will only need lets say 20% ratio (of the total mass), 30-50 meters lets ask 50-80% ratio and with it gets bigger you can't cloak it at all
    and also a cooldown when you uncloak so you can't immediatly recloak
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    Jun 20, 2013
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    I think it could use a little bit less power, like 50-75 e/s instead of 100e/s.

    Alternatively another solution without changing their energy consumption would be to make system blocks take up a lot more mass than hull blocks. a system block could be 0.1 mass like they are now. and a hull block of any kind could be 0.01 mass, thus making it easier to make ships that look like actual ships be cloakers, but they wont be too overpowered. in my opinion this would work better and be easier to balance than simply making cloakers consume less power.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    How about splitting the calculations for cloak power away from mass entirely? It could simply have different types of block weighted differently - all systems besides power regen and power storage could cost a lot of power to cloak, power systems would cost a moderate amount, and hull would cost a low amount. Decoratives might barely cost any power at all to cloak since they have no armor or offensive value.
    Mar 18, 2015
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    I think the best way would be make is harder and harder with more mass you have so you can cloak small ships easily and also make a cooldown (you can still permajam) but it will take time to recloak


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Yeah; cloaking should probably get a cooldown. It's annoying that you decloak people with scanners and suddenly boom, they can just cloak again.
    Mar 18, 2015
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    I have a better idea:
    make the cloaker as an effect for the ship like jump drive, and you increase the ratio with the mass (ratio = effect blocks / total blocks)
    so on very small ship (10-20 meters) you will only need lets say 20% ratio (of the total mass), 30-50 meters lets ask 50-80% ratio and with it gets bigger you can't cloak it at all
    and also a cooldown when you uncloak so you can't immediatly recloak
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    Nov 14, 2013
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    I have a better idea:
    make the cloaker as an effect for the ship like jump drive, and you increase the ratio with the mass (ratio = effect blocks / total blocks)
    so on very small ship (10-20 meters) you will only need lets say 20% ratio (of the total mass), 30-50 meters lets ask 50-80% ratio and with it gets bigger you can't cloak it at all
    and also a cooldown when you uncloak so you can't immediatly recloak
    Don't go by length/dimensions, otherwise cloakers will all be tiny doomcubes.