Bug Activating an activator in a design breaks it (unloads, and refuses to load)

    Jun 26, 2013
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    A small design (3 wide, 3 tall, like 9 or 12 long or something) is failing to load, with "entity for design not valid in database."

    Edit: It seems the problem is activating an activator in a design that's being designed, which causes the design to immediately unload and refuse to load.

    (This thread was originally me asking if it was possible to export a broken design from a server, but then we figured out what had broken it when we broke a second design the same way.)
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    Reactions: SkylordLuke
    Aug 14, 2013
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    Would you mind explaining what you did to fix it? I get the same error and didn't really understand what you meant by "activating an activator in a design that's being designed".
    Jun 26, 2013
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    What I mean is that if a design (the design item in the shipyard computer) contained an activator block (the logic blocks that toggle on or off), and that activator block was on, the design would be considered invalid. It wouldn't load, and if it was loaded when the activator was turned on, it would unload. It's possible that's not the only block with that problem but I didn't do any sort of comprehensive test, especially considering it's possible to do stuff like toggle capacitors off to turn off their light effect, or actual lights, etc - are those saved correctly? Buttons and flip-flops would be the obvious things to test first, though.

    I didn't find any way to recover the design after that, unless there was a physical copy of it sitting around.

    (I've since had two other designs decide to stop being loadable, and I couldn't figure out why, because they weren't edited in between when they worked and when they didn't. The only thing that changed that I know of was that the computer they were in was accidentally deconstructed.)