Abolish build blocks.

    Jun 20, 2013
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    I'm sure that this is something that's been discussed already, but darn it that search function is on the other side of the screen.

    Anyway, in those few moments where I've somehow managed to join a server...

    (http://star-made.org/content/ping-and-connection-issues by the way)

    ... I've noticed that in many cases salvage beams have become redundant. You can just slap a build block onto a station or a planet, make a 10x10x10 cube and go nuts.

    This is a silly exploit, as far as I'm concerned, and is one that should be addressed.

    As such, I propose that the build block should no longer be an item that one can buy or have in their inventory.

    Instead, the build block should only be created when one creates a space station, so instead of having a single block of grey hull being placed in space, a build block is placed - sort of like a ship core.

    When building on a planet or pre-existing station the same thing should happen, though I do realise that building on a planet/station would therefore become tedious so perhaps other caveats need to be added; perhaps having a build block on a planet allows for the removal of the planet's/station's blocks, but those blocks don't go into the player's inventory.

    It's poorly thought out like most of my ideas, but it's something. Go forth and discuss and so on.
    Aug 10, 2013
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    Have you actually tried this \"silly exploit\"?

    I did.

    I guarantee, after ten minutes of clicking and an unholy mess of leftover blocks lying around everywhere, you will wish you were using the salvage lasers.

    It may take 50 K salvage blocks, but it\'s more than possible to build a ship that does the job faster, and almost any ship will do it more comfortably and more thoroughly.
    Jul 20, 2013
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    The only solution that I could think of that solves the build block abuse problem with none of the drawbacks is if somehow entities have sub-entities seamlessly attached to them (Like docking, just no small space inbetween blocks or boundaries). Placing down a build block (or some other controller block) on a planet or other entity that is not a ship or space station for example should allow expansion and removal of the sub entity parts, but not removal of the main entity.

    So basically, modified docking with no undock option or awkward space. All landscaping would have to be done by hand (or blasters) Blocks could be added or removed from the main entity outside of build mode as we can now or with tools or something.

    Then just code inability to have a build block attached to the main entity as anything but the root of a sub-entity. This would give purpose to salvage beams for planets and asteroids and kill build mode abuse. For those empty stations scattered around space however, this wouldn\'t work. I assume it really isn\'t that big of a deal though. Honeslty that\'s the only way I can see it working without crippling the ability to build planet-side bases and such. Which I doubt will ever happen because land vehicles were discussed briefly in the Q&A, so I expect that the devs wouldn\'t want to gimp possibility for planned content.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Yeah. 50K salvage blocks will do a better job. You\'re right. But that\'s 50K salvage blocks, not 5 minutes and a single build block. And what does it matter if you\'ve got some blocks left over? You\'re harvesting a planet, not making a sculpture.

    Hell, if you want to you can use the proceeds to buy 50K salvage blocks and go buck wild on harvesting something else legitimately. It\'s a shortcut in a game where it\'s already ridiculously easy to become a space billionaire.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    to solve the base building problem.

    we make a new weapon block with its own computer and these would do the reverse of what the salvage beams does. so on you deicated building vehical you equip it with some salvage beams and some placenebt beams, wack some blocks into le hotbar and start building, basicly invalidating the need for that god damn build block for base building.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    Sounds great, but its basically the same as Hand building .-. except your in a gaint awkward to handle Ship. Plus, some people use planets for home bases, thus making them immune to weapon systems :x
    Jun 30, 2013
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    build block mining was a problem in November because the block updates from many playwers doing it at once caused lag.

    If you claim a planet by putting a build block on it, then you should be allowed to remove in symmetry for the purposes of maintaining a legitimate base. There is a new replicator Tool for the Astro mode, and I see what you are saying, trouble is when people build salvagers that are 400 meters wide, a planet will be eaten pretty quickly which is easier than getting down, putting the symmetry on then spam clicking like crazy.

    We might have a race to see which wins. Build Block vs Salvager. #planned
    Jun 22, 2013
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    I saw this solution a few weeks back so I just wanted to repost it since it applies here.

    The idea was that you can only remove a block from a station/ planet if you first added one. This would solve all the problems and I haven\'t been able to think of a way it wouldn\'t work. I even believe that it would make the game more \"realistic\" since you would have to use a salvager to level a planet before building your home base, which you would do with a build block.
    Mar 13, 2014
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    I agree with the space station idea with it starting with a build block rather than a grey hull...I mean for a million creidits you don\'t get that much lol.
    May 6, 2013
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    have you thought of WEAPONIZED build beams? picture this... a huge, slow enemy ship appears in your space. Thinking quickly, you jump in your builder ship, and fly near him. In quick strafing runs, you fly your builder fighter over his capital ship, covering it in bulky, heavy, obscuring rock and soil. if he does not run fast enough, you could turn his proud flaghip into a flying planetoid all its own, with turret docking areas being fouled and turrets detaching; with cameras being obscured faster than he can remove the blockage. Picture the annoyance and trolling of the reverse of a mining ship, spewing millions of tons of rock onto enemy ships!
    Jun 24, 2013
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    This would be so overpowered. Hell, you could even kill a server with this kind of power.

    Picture yourself flying around a server, doing this to every ship you find. Its pretty much griefing which is frowned upon and against the rules of most servers anyway.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    I really like the idea of removed blocks being transfered to a Plex-Store like thing - your build block - instead of your inventar.

    You could re-use the blocks and require salvage beams to emty that storage. Just target the planet, and the storage will be eaten first. make a line/plate of 5-10 blocks at the planet/station edge to not accidentally salvage important things.